As The WEF Meetings Begin, Mainstream Media Organizations Run Q&A's with Klaus Schwab For PR Cover
Wall Street Journal and Washington Examiner - what is you thinking!?
The World Economic Forum’s yearly meeting begins next week. I can’t wait to watch the globalist goons fly into Davos, Switzerland on their gas-guzzling private jets to lecture us about muh climate change. Over 1,000 private jets made the trip into Davos for the 2022 event, and as this year’s WEF meeting will be the biggest yet, so you can expect that number to only increase.
There are reports that Swiss police and military personnel are already setting up roadblocks in Davos and scanning fingerprints of people on the street. That shows the elitist’s plans right there, to get the citizens of countries on any grid imaginable so they can be tracked, monitored, and controlled.
Given that every marginally awake human and their mothers are seeing the World Economic Forum as a purely Deep State organization of power hungry elitists, the WEFers are running public relations campaigns all across their complicit mainstream media lapdog organizations to combat people waking up the truth about them.
Have to love this one from the New York Times, not even trying to hide that a “New World Order” is their agenda.
Fun Fact: who was the only president over the last 30 years to not publicly call for a New World Order in a public speech? Hint: 🍊👨🦳.
No wonder [They] hate him so much.
When Trump spoke at the World Economic Forum pre-scamdemic, he basically called out all of their agendas to their faces. The reaction from the WEF was hilarious. Panic.
Someone sent me this below article on Instagram yesterday, and I was incredibly disappointed to see the Wall Street Journal cave to WEF founder Klaus Schwab by running this Q&A public relations piece for him. Sometimes the Wall Street Journal’s journalism isn’t too bad, not like the clowns at CNN, NBC, the New York Times, or the Washington Post - yet seeing this article made me slide them closer into that category of propaganda shit rags. It was recently reported that left-wing billionaire Michael Bloomberg is looking at purchasing the company that owns the Wall Street Journal, so maybe they are practicing the crap journalism they would inevitably have to do if Bloomberg does buy them.
Then in researching for this article, I came across ANOTHER World Economic Forum Q&A with a typically not-too-bad mainstream media platform, this time the Washington Examiner. They interviewed WEF executive Paul Smyke for this piece. The Examiner is classified as a conservative news outlet, but you know, these days “Republican” and “Democrat” mean nothing, it’s a Uniparty. Two wings of the same drone.
Maybe it’s the conservative demographic who usually questions establishment propaganda more than the left that the WEF is trying to convince and brainwash, because they know they have the minds of the left-wingers already in the bag - hence doing Q&A’s with the WSJ and Examiner instead of CNN and NBC.
Unfortunately the WSJ demands that you purchase a membership from their website to read what Klaus Schwab wants to spew to the world, but we can look at the Washington Examiner’s free piece to see the PR narratives that the WEF is trying to bring to the public.
I invite you to read the whole Examiner interview to get the full context of what Paul Smyke was trying to sell and the nature of the softball questions that were lobbed at him, but I’ll take out a couple excerpts here to discuss. Here’s the first about their supposed “willingness for dialogue”:
Ah, yes, “we invite anyone who is committed to having the types of difficult conversations that it's going to take, having a willingness to be open to a different point of view” he says - I guess that’s why the WEF has so many pro-censorship individuals at their event! They recently launched a Coalition for Digital Safety that has the likes of Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and many other platforms involved that have censored and suppressed too many voices online to count. Sure sounds like a willingness to have different points of view!
The WEF also recently released this article on their website, entitled “The world's biggest problem solvers need to craft better narratives”. This article argues that to fight “sophisticated and dangerous misinformation campaigns”, world leaders need to craft better stories to essentially brainwash their subjugates with.
Here’s another about how they’re definitely not elitist at all, and about what they really (supposedly) do at Davos:
The fact that it’s all these world leaders who walk in lockstep with their agendas is exactly why people view the WEF as an agenda driven elitist organization. Sounds like he “understands” that though.
And don’t worry, because 70% of the event is livestreamed, that means there are no backdoor, shady deals going on!
Fun fact: I was told by somebody who had actually been to a WEF event in Davos that this is exactly what goes on. Let me tell you that story.
Last year in 2022, one of the events I attended, this one in Phoenix Arizona, had a slew of speakers there who were influential and/or experts in their field, particularly about election integrity and Globalist infiltration. It was a private event and I was not there to speak, but to observe and report along with a couple hundred of other guests.
After the event concluded and I was on my way home in the airpot, I happen to see one of the speakers waiting in the terminal and struck up a conversation with him. He was a brilliant man and fairly wealthy from some inventions of his. He worked in an uber liberal field, so he mostly kept his conservative leaning beliefs to himself. I was able to get him to open up, and he discussed with me about what Davos is really like, for he attended one their of meetings a few years ago.
He shared with me that there’s essentially two events in one at these WEF gatherings. There is the public one with the world leaders rubbing shoulders, shaking hands and giving their speeches. I assume this is the “70% livestreaming” version of it that Smyke was describing. This gentleman then told me about another, the behind the scenes event, whereby the WEF assigns an “assistant” to each attendee, and the attendee proceeds to tell the WEF assistant (handler, if you will) who all he would like to meet in Davos. The assistant then sets up these brief meetings, and at these meetings are where the real deals and discussions are made. This, I presume, is the real intention of these Davos meeting, to get these globalists together to make these backdoor business/political deals, whatever their agenda may be. (We can safely assume what that agenda is…)
I’m sure next week’s WEF event will be a gold mine of superficial, “we need to do this to save the world!” globalist double speak. Feel good narratives to sell to the public, but for those with eyes to see and activated brain cells, they’ll know what’s really going on. There will be talk of climate change, fighting “misinformation”, food security, the alleged necessity of digital currencies, and every other agenda that is a Cabal member’s wet dream on the docket to sell to the public.
The good news is that even the normiest of normies out there is waking up to these world leader agendas and starting to sniff them out. These virtue signaling elitists can hide in the shadows no longer, and they’re so arrogant that they don’t even operates in the shadows, they tell us their plans in plain sight. All we need to do is open our eyes.
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thank you Jordan , I respect you for taking the heat from the grifters cult members , and you never seem to get the Kudos for proper , honest Journalism/ insight like this article and your Knowledge Based series On Badlands.......
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