Eugene Yu's Arrest Shows The Power of Citizen Journalism
This is just the beginning of exposing 2020 election fraud
In one of the most significant developments in the saga to expose 2020 election fraud, Eugene Yu, CEO of Konnech Inc., was arrested this week (October 4th) for suspicion of theft of personal identifying information and for poll worker data they acquired being allegedly stored on servers in China - this is contrary to claims of the company that they only store their data on U.S. based servers.
Konnech Inc. is the company we learned about at the Pit in Phoenix, Arizona two months ago that was put on by Gregg Philips and Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote. After citizen reporters starting digging more into Eugene Yu and lighting up Konnech Inc. on social media, Konnech decided to sue Gregg and Catherine claiming that they were being targeted by a “racist and defamatory campaign” by True the Vote. Aw, poor victims!
I imagine this lawsuit is going to be dead in the water now that their CEO has been arrested.
And I must say that I feel quite honored, as a Truth Social post of mine was featured in Konnech’s lawsuit!
In one of the best mainstream media fails that we’ve seen in a while, on Monday October 3rd, the New York Times ran this story on Eugene Yu, claiming poor Eugene has became a target by “election denying conspiracy theorists”.
This article was a pure cover job, trying to paint Eugene Yu and Konnech as being completely innocent. Within this article, they even wrote that “Konnech said all of the data for it’s American customers are stored on data in the United States”. But wait, then why did Eugene Yu get arrested for storing data on Chinese servers??
Going to fact check that, New York Times?
It is just too poetic that not even 24 hours after this New York Times piece was published, Eugene Yu was arrested for exactly what the New York Times was trying to cover them for.
And the L’s being posted by the blue check mark journalists on Twitter are too good not to catalog here. Donie O’Sullivan, one of the most insufferable reporters working at CNN, tweeted the New York Times story painting Konnech as being a victim, and the next day tweeted about his arrest, calling it “quite the development”.

The arrest of Eugene Yu is going viral amongst conservative media, as is the hypocrisy of the New York Times trying to cover for him.
Trump weighed in on this situation with posts on Truth Social yesterday.
I have seen concerns about this story on social media that the Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon was involved in Eugene Yu’s arrest. Even though Gascon is a Soros puppet, I don’t think that matters much in this situation. There were multiple police departments and sheriff’s offices involved in Eugene Yu’s arrest, including departments from East Lansing Michigan, along with the LA County DA’s office. It sounds like George Gascon didn’t have much of a choice but to pull the trigger and arrest Eugene Yu.
Eugene Yu’s bail hearing was yesterday, and a video of the whole hearing is available to view online. A notable portion of this hearing was when the prosecutor described Eugene Yu as being a significant flight risk, along with saying that when Eugene Yu was arrested, he was found with packed luggage and he left his cell phone at home.
Why would Eugene Yu have had packed luggage and have left his cell phone at home? It appears like he was trying to leave the county, or at least leave Michigan, and knew that law enforcement was on his tail.
The arrest of Eugene Yu is a testament to the power that citizen journalists have when they combine their resources and efforts - it shows us that together we can effect actionable change and expose corrupt actors in our society, and it shows that we can most definitely do something about our rigged elections. Shout out to citizen reporters like KanekoaTheGreat and Brian Cates who’s reporting on Konnech Inc. very likely played a part in Eugene Yu’s arrest. While I did not have as much of an impact as they did on Eugene’s arrests, I consider it a great honor to have been invited to the Pit and to work with the likes of Kanekoa, Brian, and others who have been reporting on the Konnech story.
I have a feeling that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and in the coming months we will be seeing more arrests and more actors exposed who are/were involved in rigging American elections. Here’s to the Great Awakening and the change that we are making happen together!
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I like what you said Jordan, you know, the shout out to the diligent reporters--obviously unafraid of reporting the truth, the facts and bringing attention to a corrupt deed. What I'm trying to say is--WE ARE ABLE TO SPEAK OUR MINDS AND REVEAL THE FACTUAL TRUTH! Shit no, I don't want to die for revealing truths that are relevant to the "OBVIOUS" corruption being perpetrated by our, "SO CALLED LEADERS" but then again, more often than not I think to myself--this outpouring of "CRAZY" is enough--and hell, might as well take one for the team--cause--fuck 'em if they think they'll get us to attack each other--not gonna happen--I don't believe they realize this.
Let us proceed with caution on this. Yu is accused of providing ChYna with personal information on 1.8 million poll workers. We do not know how many counties have contracts with Konnech. As of now, only one county (in Texas) has cut ties with the company. That leaves thousands that have not. Gregg and Catherine have emphasized that the most important thing We The People can do is get involved on the local level. Become election workers. So why would an LA district attorney indict Yu for doxing election board workers? Perhaps because knowing what we now know, by becoming a poll worker, we would be essentially doxing ourselves.