The Globalization of American Education by the Rockefeller Cartel
The early 1900s was an instrumental time for globalist groups to cement their power over the United States of America
"Governments don't want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation."
- George Carlin
The Department of Education has come under extra scrutiny in recent days with the passing of Jimmy Carter, who created the D.o.E. in 1979, as well as the H-1B visa debate in MAGA world with many pinning the reason why the American talent pool is shrinking being due to the watering down of our public school system by the D.o.E.
I would argue that yes, our public schools were most definitely screwed since the creation of the D.o.E. causing our youth in this country to become dumber and more complacent, although the infiltration of America’s education system goes back much farther - to the time of the industrialists of the early 1900s, namely the Rockefeller family.
> Globalist Groups Cementing Their Dominance Over American Industries In The Early 20th Century
The early 1900s was a pivotal time in the United States of America, the industrial age was taking off and a massive amount of wealth poured into the wallets of those who were opportunistic enough to take advantage of the times, which included the Rockefellers, Carnegies, and Morgans. The oil-baron banking families.
To help cement their power over industry and make sure they had control for generations to come, they began their “philanthropic” activities - claiming they were helping American society under the guise under altruistic philanthropy when their efforts were truly to establish more dominance for themselves.
The Rockefellers and Carnegies infiltrated the Medical and Pharmaceutical systems by pushing out natural remedies like homeopathy, herbalism, and chiropractic care in favor of Allopathic medicine and pharmaceutical drugs. The turning point came with the Flexner Report of 1910. Abraham Flexner, a former school teacher, was commissioned by the Carnegie Foundation with significant financial backing from the Rockefellers to conduct a comprehensive review of medical schools in the United States. His report recommended closing over half of the existing medical schools dealing with “alternative” and holistic medicine and replacing them with a standardized, “science-based” curriculum based on pharmaceutical intervention.
These oil-baron banking families also worked to suppress innovation in the sector of alternative energy systems and make sure society was dependent on an electricity grid based on copper transmission wires and oil/gas/coal energy generation. Much can be said about J.P. Morgan’s control over Nikola Tesla’s inventions, and how threatening to the centralized control of energy that these kinds of zero-point inventors had.
Another area of society these globalist groups worked to conquer, the focus of this article, is our Education system.
> The Rockefeller’s General Education Board
The General Education Board was a private organization created by John D. Rockefeller in 1902 to “support higher education” in the United States. It began with an initial $1 million investment (equivalent to about $36 million today), with John D. Rockefeller eventually giving over $180 millionin total to the GEB over the next few decades.
The goal of the GEB was similar to what the Flexner Report sought to install - a standardized system taught throughout all schools with an “approved” curriculum. They gave millions of dollars to colleges across the U.S. for their endowments, and used these grants as leverage to force specific curriculum and dictate appointments to the faculties of the colleges. If colleges did not want to abide by the Board’s wishes, they would threaten to pull this funding. Philanthropic extortion.
The Carnegie family also conducted similar operations, opening their Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 1906 with goals including the promotion of “science-based” learning into higher education and the opening of free public libraries throughout the U.S.
While “promoting science”, “free libraries”, and “making education accessible to all” may sound altruistic on the surface, the real question is what science are they promoting? The truth, or manufactured propaganda in the name of science? And what what specific information was being pushed, or sanitized out of, these libraries?
Were these industrialist families trying to make education accessible to all, or make all undergo a weaponized form of brainwashing?
> National Education Association and the “Eight Year Study”
The National Education Association viewed these acts by the Rockefellers and Carnegies with initial hostility. In 1914, their organization made the following statement at their annual meeting in St. Paul, Minnesota:
“We view with alarm the activity of the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations — agencies not in any way responsible to the people — in their efforts to control the policies of our State educational institutions, to fashion after their conception and to standardize our courses of study, and to surround the institutions with conditions which menace true academic freedom and defeat the primary purpose of democracy as heretofore preserved inviolate in our common schools, normal schools, and universities.”
Only a few years later, the NEA reorganized and moved their headquarters to Washington D.C. One can assume that their organization was somehow forced to bend the knee to the aims of these globalist groups working to subvert the American education system.
In the 1930s, the Rockfellers funded the “Progressive Education Association” to commission what they called the Eight Year Study, this was a significant educational experiment where they studied the impact of redesigned high school curriculums on student outcomes, focusing on more progressive teaching methods. The goal here was to “prepare high school students for college”. From Wikipedia:
“The Eight-Year Study showed that the curricular structure of American high schools could change under propitious conditions: when families and teachers held liberal ideology, colleges relaxed vetting mechanisms, and foundations offered support.”
Liberal ideologies and relaxed vetting? Sounds a lot like what’s going on today.
> Dumbing Down Our Youth And Molding Robots
While the Department of Education has had an effect at centralizing and standardizing our education system since 1979, we can see that efforts were underway in America well before the DOE to create a paradigm that brainwashes our youth and molds them into complacent, regurgitating robots just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation, as George Carlin eloquently put it.
It was never the objective of the current education system to nurture learning, curiosity, critical thinking and creativity in students, but in fact, to do quite the opposite. Mass education was constructed by the globalists to produce the kind of adult slaves they wanted. The most criticized features of education today – the regimentation, lack of individualization, the rigid systems of seating, grouping, grading and marking, the authoritarian role of the teacher – are precisely those that made mass public education an effective instrument for The Powers That Be.
To help fight this pandemic of brainwashing and help hone discernment, I’ve created a video series called the Psy-Op Defense Course within my Awakened Warriors group on the Skool teaching platform.
In this course, I dive into brainwashing methods and propaganda techniques, the history of media and education systems, and offer solutions to develop critical thinking capacities. Within the Awakened Warriors group I also have video courses devoted to nutrition, supplementation, prepping, entrepreneurship, and more. You’ll get access to direct messaging with myself and the group members, plus weekly live Q&A calls. Click below to learn more and get a sneak peak of what the platform looks like.
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Department of Energy 1977. Jimmy Carter