The Top 8 Clickbaitiest Topics That "Truthers" Promote
Just say it for the views, who cares if it's true?!
With so many people turning away from the mainstream media knowing that most of the information they release is hot garbage, the social media “Truth Movement”, for lack of a better name, is thriving. Even with the censorship that the Big Tech platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube are conducting on a seemingly exponential growth rate, more and more people are looking for more truthful information in their preferred social apps. The censorship-free platforms like Gab, Telegram, and GETTR are growing even faster.
With people turning to these mainstream media platforms to find information, that means they need to find influencers and brands to get this information from on social media. This has lead to opportunistic influencers (and possibly even intelligence agency assets looking to spread disinformation) with a wide open space to push out content and draw in a fan base. Some of these influencers may be new to the realm of truth seeking and might not realize what they’re sharing is wrong, others may not care and will say anything to simply advance their careers. I think we are dealing with quite a bit of both of those scenarios on social media.
Because of the amount of disinformation making it’s way across the “truth movement” on social media, I will now offer you a list of what I perceive to be the top 10 clickbait topics that influencers use to rope followers in and get their views. This is something that needs to be discussed, even if it’s a hard truth, because the crazy claims are used by the mainstream media to make the whole movement looks stupid and discredit real truth. Not just that, but audiences are led along emotional roller coasters and manipulated with fake conspiracy news. My efforts to warn you about the clickbait is to make you into a more cautious, more discerning human.
Here we go -
Flat Earth
This one is fairly self explanatory. The “flat Earth” theories are used heavily by the mainstream media to make all truth seekers look incredibly stupid, and Big Tech has no problem leaving flat Earth videos on their platforms because of how convenient of a discreditor they are. Flat Earthers themselves will make up a variety of reasons why their theories are legitimate, and every time they fail the logic test. They will take Bible passages out of context, scream “NASA Lies, Space is Fake!”, and concoct all kinds of silly memes to prove their ideas. Meanwhile, there are a variety of basic questions one can ask themselves to see what we are indeed on some sort of spheroid, rotating celestial body. Ask any pilot, ocean navigator, or long range sniper and they’ll tell you they have to take a round planet into account for their work.
With how easy fake news can spread on social media, the “NESARA/GESARA”, “Quantum Financial System”, and “Currency Revaluation” claims have found a resurgence in the last couple years. The basic idea behind this is that a sort of secret “NESARA Act”, or “Quantum System” is being developed in secret by the military or by white hats, and it’s going to be unveiled to humanity to rid us of the Central Bank debt-slave system. While it sounds nice, it’s quite a fantastical fiction story. While the “QFS” aspect of it is only a few years old, scammers have been using the NESARA/RV subject for a couple decades. I first heard of NESARA in 2011, and back then I truly believed the supposed Act was going to get rolled out to humanity and magically dump $100,000 into all of our bank accounts. I kept hearing, “It’s coming tomorrrow! It’s coming next week!”. Over time I finally realized the NESARA theories were bunk. Funny enough, I still hear influencers peddle the NESARA/QFS ideas, insisting to their followers “It’s coming next week!”. Their followers will learn eventually.
Med Beds
”Hopium” as defined by Urban Dictionary (a very credible source, I’ve been told) is “the metaphorical substance that causes people to believe in a false hope.”. While Hopium can be caused by a few topics on this list, none might be more hopium-inducing than the claim of “Med Beds”. Now, I do believe that there are advanced technologies held back from humanity by the Deep State, some of which are likely frequency based medicine, but the “Med Bed” buzzword is often parroted by clickbait peddling influencers with little to no explanation of what it actually means, and it’s claimed that, again, the military or white hats are going to unveil these secret Med Beds to public and save the day. Influencers claim these Med Beds will be able to cure cancers, diseases, and some even claim they are going to regrow limbs. It’s pretty pathetic, seeing as some of their followers buy these claims and then stop taking their medicines, supplements, and trying to make themselves better thinking these “Med Beds” are going to be released and heal all their problems. Some content creators will literally say anything on social media to get some clicks, I suppose.
Gematria is a form of numerology in which the letters of the alphabet are substituted with corresponding numbers and added up. For instance, C is the 3rd letter in the alphabet, A is the 1st, T is the 20th, so the numerical value of “cat” would be 1+3+20, or 24. Influencers will take one phrase, find the numerical value, and then try to prove that a theory is true based upon it having the same value. Example of this: “TRUTH REVEALED = 159”, “Q NESARA GESARA TM = 159”, so they’ll claim NESARA is real because the phrase has the same number as “Truth is Revealed”. I wish I was making this up, but some social media personalities will literally peddle these ideas to their followers. And as you can see, it’s purely subjective. Many people have gotten lost down these arbitrary rabbit holes and confuse themselves with it, believing false ideas because of the numbers phrases will add up to.
The good ol’ “John F. Kennedy Jr. is actually alive and is going to come back!” theories. This topic is another great way to discredit the truth movement, much like flat Earth theories are weaponized by the Mainstream Media for the same reason. The JFK Jr. ideas are weaponized more specifically to attack and undermine the Q movement, and I suppose you could say these theories offer their believers a good amount of hopium as well. It gets fairly comical when influencers will try to prove JFK Jr. is coming back with Gematria. You can imagine what that would look like to people just starting to wake up and figure the truth out, they might just turn around and run away. Maybe that’s the point of some of this clickbait? That’s why I mentioned earlier that we may even have CIA assets undercover as “patriots” and “truthers” on social media spreading ridiculous, baseless theories.
Clones & Deep Staters in GITMO
He’s cloned, she’s cloned, that politician is a clone, this celebrity is already arrested so surely what we’re seeing on stage is a clone. All of these politicians are already arrested and awaiting trial in GITMO!! You’ll find these articles commonly posted on websites like “RealRawNews” and shared around the social media sphere claiming a prominent Deep Stater was arrested, and the clone theories will inevitably follow on social media. Of course, these claims are made with no evidence and then within the next week you’ll see said celebrity or politicians who was supposedly arrested on TV. While it would be nice to get some of these Cabal folks arrested, we need to stick to reality.
”Inside Sources”
This might be one of the griftiest tactics that influencers will use to artificially inflate their reputation to their audiences. To suggest that the military or government white hats would be leaking classified intelligence and information about current operations to a person making YouTube videos from their living room is devoid of reason and common sense. When the claims don’t pan out and the influencer get exposed for promoting fake intel and fake sources, most of them will incredibly double down! Or a common excuse peddled by the influencers is that, “I just report what I’m told, some of it might be disinformation meant to throw the bad guys off”. No, they don’t have any inside sources leaking you intel. That doesn’t stop them from trying, though.
Alien Contactees and “Secret Space Program Whistleblowers”
The last on this list, and very similar to the claim of having “inside sources” is the claim made by individuals that they get messages sent to them, whether telepathically channeled or otherwise, from aliens races and so-called galactic federations. Then you have the claim made by some that they have memories of working on secret space programs for the U.S. government. These claims, like those who say they have secret “insiders” feeding them intel, are typically made with absolutely no support evidence or reason given to believe them. While I do believe that extraterrestrial life exists in the cosmos, and could very well be monitoring the situation on Planet Earth at this very moment, I’m going to need some good reason to believe that John or Jane Doe is getting channeled messages sent to them! Likewise, I’ll need some good evidence to believe the latest super soldier who claims he’s worked for a secret government space program. I find it off that these people are releasing supposedly such sensitive information, yet you can find them on the Big Tech platforms talking about it without getting censored. Seems odd!
That is my by-no-means comprehensive list, but I feel that it’s a decent summarizing of the common rhetoric peddled through the “patriot”, “awakening”, “disclosure”, and “truth” movement subgenres.
It is very important in the act of truth seeking to maintain discernment and keep emotions in check when trying to evaluate information. An ungrounded, emotional individual who is lead by wishful thinking will be easier to manipulate than one who does not let wishful thinking lead their thought processes. It’s good to be open minded, but not so open that our brains fall out.
And with the nature of the social media truth movement having zero oversight, influencers jump into it, grab an audience, and essentially say whatever they want with no accountability. Some are most definitely in this for money and fame over creating valuable content, and some may even be doing what they’re doing for darker agendas.
It is not NEGATIVE to call out disinformation online. Don’t let these narcissistic tactics prevent you from questioning those “within our movement” and “on our team”, because some may not actually be on our team, they might be on their own self-serving team. And no doubt certain three letter Agencies have disinformation assets planted within the truth movement to further the division by promoting lies.
Waking up and honing discernment is a never ending process. No false idols!
Another excellent piece. My wife and I, retired law enforcement, vet our sources as much as possible. We were accustomed to doing that when we were active but apply the same processes now. Objectivity is a good initial mindset to begin with moving to credibility if the source has a good record and maintains a reasonable approach. Your point about three-letter agencies possibly spreading disinformation is an accurate assessment, especially based on revelations from investigative reporting done by Revolver showing the FBI's infiltration and, more disturbingly, manipulation, in the MI Governor "assassination ploy" and the January 6th protest. Keep up the excellent work Jordan.
Great article. Thanks for spelling it all out in relatively few words.