These Creepy Globalist Bastards Are Going All In On Mass Surveillance Systems
"If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't be afraid"
If anyone was going to play the super villain in the next James Bond film, it should probably be Klaus Schwab.
Here’s what he had to say the other day about governmental surveillance programs:
Ah, yes, the good ol’ “nothing to hide” argument promoted by globalists and their bootlickers trying to convince us that mass surveillance programs are good for you, they’ll root out the evil in society and spur progress - you shouldn’t be scared of this as long as you aren’t going anything bad!
Okay Klaus Schwab, why don’t you and your Illuminati buddies operate in total transparency, too? I want to know about you and your friends financials, I want recording from all the secret backroom meetings in Davos, and I want to know about what happens on those private islands in the Caribbean you guys like to frequent.
Quite incredible that they demand total transparency from us and tell us to “not be afraid” while they operate in total secrecy. Hypocrisy rivaling their demands for gun control while being protected by armed guards, or pushing “Green Energy” while flying on private jets.
So it appears that mass surveillance and data mining is priority #1 for the globalists heading into 2024.
Although, looking back over the last decade it’s apparent that mass tracking has been at the top of their list for a while.
These globalists are real stage 5 clingers.
Soon they’ll demand to know how many times you breathe per day and how big your shits are so they can carbon tax you. Maybe that’s what those Google FitBits are really for.
The creation of Big Tech social media platforms is a prime example of the shadow government surveillance state working to track our every move. We are sold this idea that platforms like Amazon, Google, and Facebook were started out of a garage by an aspiring tech genius, but deeper digging into the creation of these platforms shows that organizations like the CIA, through their In-Q-Tel venture capital initiative, and DARPA were instrumental in helping these corporations get going. The CIA is quite active at Stanford in the Bay Area.
So for two decades [they] have already been gathering shitloads of data from billions of people around the world.
What a perfect way to know everything about everyone - get them to willingly and happily upload everything about their lives to their social media profiles themselves! Let’s call it.. “Facebook”..
Little do people know that DARPA (the military’s advanced technology R&D agency) had a project called “Lifelog” in the early 2000s that was designed to create databases about a person’s entire existence.
From 2003 NYT article on Lifelog:
”The projected system, called LifeLog, would take in all of a subject's experience, from phone numbers dialed and e-mail messages viewed to every breath taken, step made and place gone. The idea is to index the material and make patterns easily retrievable, in an effort to make machines think more like people, learning from experience.”
Every breath taken. Ha! They really do want to know!
”…the system must index the details of daily life and make it possible ''to infer the user's routines, habits and relationships with other people, organizations, places and objects, and to exploit these patterns to ease its task.''
Oh, and how coincidental! The same day the Pentagon killed their Lifelog project, Facebook was created!
Check those dates.
If only people knew.
Acquiring a mass database about the movements, shopping habits, and general behaviors of every person is a globalist wet dream - imagine the power and control they could have with a dragnet like that.
The COVID Scamdemic was a major step in their push for a mass surveillance state all in the name of “healthy and safety”. Vaccine passports and digital health certificates were installed in many western countries, with some governments and corporations going so far as to deny people access to business and events based upon their vaccine status. This is only a taste of what would be accomplished by the shadow government if they were able to expand the tracking of citizen to all other aspects of our lives.
You already notice when you speak about something in a conversation with your phone around, and the next time you log into Instagram there’s an ad for what you mentioned 5 minutes earlier?
That, on steroids.
Ads are completely customized to suck you dry of money, and your conscious mind will barely notice it.
Social media posts are monitored, if you say the wrong think - no grocery store for you!
Over exaggeration? Maybe.. or maybe not. Just look at what’s going on in China.
The next stage in their mass surveillance and control efforts will likely involve the climate change agenda and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Using the justification of “saving the planet from global warming so grandma doesn’t die!” to track the carbon output in our daily lives. This would mean your vehicles, traveling, etc. CBDCs would allow the Deep State to view all of our spending, and possibly going so far as to shut off our ability to buy goods and services based upon whatever arbitrary decisions they make. Of course they say this won’t happen with CBDCs, but when have we even known government bureaucrats to keep their word?
Another layer of data acquisition must also be discussed here - the advent of “smart” devices in every area of our lives is also a major concern. From refrigerators to microwaves to beds to travel luggage to watches, and of course smart phones - all of these “smart” devices and the apps on them can be a huge security risk. And even vehicles are also collecting massive amounts of data on us. Connecting your phone to your vehicles and using the apps on the giant dashboard screen only increases the problem.
We are killing ourselves with convenience culture.
Sometimes it’s best not to make the choice of what’s cool and hip and advances, but what’s simple.
Use wired headphones. Those invisible waves from wireless headphones are rotting your brain anyway.
Get a car model that’s a couple years older so all the much-too-fancy gizmos and gadgets aren’t on it. What do you need app in a car for, anyway? Or a self-driving one? Don’t be a lazy shit. And I’ll never understand how they want you to focus on the road but put a 10 inch screen rising out of your dash at eye-level.
Use dumb microwaves, fridges, and watches. Why you do need an Apple watch made by 8 year olds in a Chinese sweat factory? Gotta track your steps? Don’t be a neurotic shit. Rock a Casio for 1/20th the price and it’ll last you 5 times as long.
Over-obsessing about all this data in our lives if giving us mental problems. Along with constantly having a screen in our face and all the electrosmog frying our gray matter.
It’s more important now than ever to start living with data awareness.
Be conscientious of who you tell what, what you post where, what you let slip.
- Use a VPN when surfing websites online.
- Reject the convenience mindset and choose dumb devices over their “smart” counterparts.
- Keep bluetooth turned off on your phone whenever possible, in fact, just don’t use it unless you absolutely have to.
- Turn off location tracking and reject data mining on any app you’re using.
- Choose to use cash more often.
- Use a fake name and birthday when creating accounts on non-important websites.
- Use extreme caution with what you and your family are sharing on social media platforms.
- Have a secondary are tertiary email account (and phone number, if possible) to use in various situations when you don’t want your primary to be given out.
- Faraday bags for your wallet, keyfobs, and devices when you’re traveling in highly trafficked public areas such as airports or city centers (keeps them from being scanned)
Quality faraday bags for phones, wallets, laptops, and keys can be found here »
There are many other big brain things you can do, these are just a few general tips.
Awareness is key.
We can fight back against the Powers that Be by rejecting the fancy bullshit they try to force on us and get back to basic living.
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You nailed it, Jordan. Why aren't people seeing that they are buying and building their own data collection items to give away all their own data for free to who knows who? Cash for Clunkers was to get rid of mechanical cars people could diagnose and fix themselves. The light bulb purge was for LiFi to be sending data about us all the time with toxic bulbs instead of the just fine, no one had a problem with, incandescent bulbs which were much easier on the eyes, as well. If we lived in a world of perfect angels, this tech run and data collected by other people we don't know would be great, but we don't. I don't know of many people who think we do and they are dangerously naive, sadly.
What was wrong with visiting the actual website for a restaurant to view the menu rather than scanning a QR code? Now you need an app to access coupons at some grocery stores. Macy's invites you to do everything by app: Does this come in black? In my size? Where's my pick-up items? Pay my bill? Why do we need an app for our whole lives?
After several years of telling us to stay home, not fly, not visit family, the WHO is really upset that loneliness is bad for the heart. Why? What quackery will they invent now? How will they protect someone like my father from loneliness when that loneliness is created by making bad decisions over and over again and then avoiding the consequences of those decisions? What solution will the engineer? Communal dormitories?