Trump & Kennedy's MAHA Commission is Everything We Hoped For To Combat Big Pharma & Big Ag
Make Big Pharma Unnecessary Again
Like many other humans, my first foray into “getting red pilled” involved waking up to the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex, corrupt food industry, and how much we’ve been lied to about our health. This was around 2011/2012. Digging into how the Rockefeller and Carnegie families moved to dominate the American healthcare system in the early 1900s by promoting allopathic, “research based” medical care and suppressing more natural medicine like homeopathy, naturopathy, and herbalism was an enlightening experience - and this quickly brought me down other rabbit holes as those same industrialists were instrumental in setting up the Federal Reserve, the oil/gas/coal centralized energy system, and subverting our Education system. One rabbit hole lead to another, for it’s all connected somehow.
During that 2012 timeframe, I became obsessed with learning about GMOs, fluoride, vaccines, the effects of pharmaceuticals, and how to heal ourselves in natural ways. Seeing the gigantic monster of Big Pharma and Big Ag and how deep it all goes lead me to the belief that there may be nothing we could do to pick ourselves out of the system. I did my best to educate and help the people I would come across, but what are we going to do about 350 million people being heavily brainwashed by and caught up into Big Pharma’s grasp?
If you would have told me 13 years ago that someday we would have a New York real estate developer in the White House teaming up with the world’s (publicly) richest man and his team of computer nerds to auditing government agencies, plus a Kennedy at the helm of the nation’s top health agency digging into the true cause of diseases, I never would have believed you.
But here we are.
Soon after Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was confirmed and sworn in as Director the Health and Human Services, President Trump unveiled a new Executive Order titled “Establishing the President’s Make America Healthy Again Commission” - and this executive order is just about perfect.
It begins by outlining statistics related to the health crisis our country is facing, detailing how our “most advanced health care system in the world” is failing when you compare America to the numbers of other developed countries - we spend the most by far on health, yet have terrible numbers and still buy 70% of the world’s pharmaceutical drugs.
This is not about infectious diseases - this is about degenerative diseases, or “chronic illness” as RFK Jr. is framing it, which in my opinion, are largely preventable.
Autism, autoimmune issues, Alzheimer’s Disease, cancer, mental illnesses, etc. - Mainstream Medicine has long said “well, we don’t know why these things are becoming so prevalent!”, using sorry excuses like genetics or “better testing!” as the reason rates are going up. Sure, it may be genetics, but in that case their real question should be “what is influencing our genes to screw up like this?” - a question they don’t want to ask or answer because the Pharmaceutical, Food, and Chemical Industries would stand to lose billions, if not trillions of dollars, and loads of corruption would have to be exposed.
The E.O. then dives into policy proposals:
Isn’t it beautiful? Highlighting how we need to eliminate conflicts of interest, for a good portion of the “science” these days is not honest, unbiased “science”, but cherry-picked data designed to sell products or ideologies to the masses.
Sad state of things when scientists are too scared to go against the status quo in fear of losing the tenure at their universities or not getting their grant money - or they could be outright bought and paid for by the industries they are supposed to research. *cough*Fauci*cough*Peter Hotez*cough*
This executive order, as well as the narratives promoted by Trump team and RFK Jr., focus on the health of our children as the driving need for drastic change in our healthcare system - because you can’t argue when we’re doing it for the kids! It’s good political positioning, really. And if we want to build a strong nation for the future, we do need to focus on the next generation.
Portion (a) of this Section lays out the exact problem we need to focus on, and these problems are what the “conspiracy theorists” have been talking about for years.
Potential contributing causes, including the American diet, absorption of toxic material, medical treatments, lifestyle, environmental factors, Government policies, food production techniques, electromagnetic radiation, and corporate influence or cronyism;
American diet - loaded with what I call the “four white devils”, processed flour, sugar, salt, and dairy, with too many people purchasing boxed, nutrition-less garbage at the supermarket and not eating whole, real foods.
Absorption of toxic material - some studies on the umbilical cord blood of babies show an average of 100+ different environmental toxins in their blood. We encounter loads of heavy metals, pesticides, microplastics, endocrine disrupters, and other chemicals in our daily lives. Combine toxic overload with a malnourished society and we have a recipe for disaster.
Food production techniques - Genetically engineered crops laden with pesticides, giant monoculture operations destroying soil health, plus factory farms loaded with sick, malnourished animals that we then eat. Not only is it making us sick, but it’s ethically awful to subject the animals to such lives.
Electromagnetic radiation - 4G and 5G towers, Wi-Fi modems, bluetooth gadgets all over the place.. how are these frequencies truly affecting our DNA, brains, and nervous systems? We bathe in a sea of electro-smog constantly.
RFK Jr. held his first press conference as director of HHS yesterday, vowing to investigate these issues as the possible cause in the rise of chronic disease:
- Ultra-processed food
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Childhood vaccine schedule
- Glyphosate & pesticides
- Artificial food additives
- SSRIs & antidepressants
- Microplastics & more
“Some of the possible factors we will investigate were formerly taboo, or insufficiently scrutinized… nothing is going to be off limits.”
”Let’s not alter the outcomes of studies when they’re halfway through and they look inconvenient.”
And in last night’s joint interview with Elon Musk and President Trump on Fox News, they made sure to defend Bobby Kennedy, with Elon noting that he thinks RFK Jr. has been unfairly maligned by the press.
Elon: "I like Bobby... I think he's unfairly maligned as someone who is anti-science. But I think he isn't. He just wants to question the science, which is the essence of the science."
It’s no wonder Big Pharma and their bought-off cronies in Congress and the mainstream media fought his nomination so hard.
The MAGA + MAHA partnership is already revolutionizing America’s health before they even get started because it’s forcing people to become more self-aware and pay attention, something that was sorely lacking in decades past. Now it’s onto the education phase, for the media and health “authorities” in this country have done a piss poor job (by design) in educating us on how to properly feed, move, and take care of our minds and bodies. Although, at the end of the day, it’s our responsibility to take care of and educate ourselves, and going forward this will be far easier with honest, ethical adults in charge.
My MAHA Work:
Tune in on Fridays for the MAHA News show with myself and my co-host Nate on Badlands Media, where we discuss the top health-related news of the week.
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I'd love to know Elon's take on dealing with electromagnetic radiation. His whole business model, Tesla, Space X, Starlink, depends on it.
A new day from all directions! WWG1WGA