Welcome to my new Substack account. Hopefully this can be a place where I can share my thoughts, experiences, and information in an uncensored fashion. Big Tech has been no friend to me over the years.
Seeing as this is my first post here, I want to take a moment to give a little bit of my background. I’ve acquired some new followers in recent months and much of the work from my early days of fighting the information war on the internet has been scrubbed.
My Initial Awakening
As of this writing I’m 30 years young, born in 1990 in the Navy town of Bremerton, Washington. I was interested in the deeper nature of our existence from a pretty young age, reading Carl Sagan books and watching the documentary Zeitgeist while in high school. At this point I was interested in the more philosophical questions, but as I went to college, and proceeded to drop out of college, my mind was opened to far more.
After I graduated high school I went to a state university, because that’s what all the good boys and girls do when they want to be successful, right? At least that’s what my parents, and society, told me. I quickly found out that college wasn’t the place for me. Well, it was, I had a great time. I just spent far more time partying than studying. I had no idea why I was spending thousands of dollars to take GenEd classes that had nothing to do with engineering, and I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to study that in the first place.
I lasted one year at that school before flunking out and moving back home to attend a community college. It was much cheaper and there wasn’t as much to distract me, but I still had no drive or passion for where I was going. I didn’t know where I was going, and that’s when I got a job at a local health food store and everything changed.
Down the Rabbit Holes
One of the jobs I had in high school and college was working at a smoothie bar, but Washington State isn’t necessarily known for smoothie weather so business was slow and the shop closed. I was in need of a job, and one day I got to talking to a guy at my gym. He told me about this new supplement store that opened up in the next town called Maxx Nutrition. I applied, got the job, and I was opened up to a whole new world.
My main job there when I first started was to simply make smoothies, but I was curious about products that were there so I went to different nutrition trainings, took home as many brochures as I could find, and perused the book and documentary shelf section at the back of the store. I came across movies like World According to Monsanto that dove into Big Ag and genetically modified food, Greater Good that exposed propaganda around vaccines, and even other documentaries that weren’t so nutrition focused but on the world at large, such as Foster Gamble’s Thrive. Thrive blew my mind to a whole new level, going into so many different aspects of the ‘shadow government’ and how they’ve manipulated the world.
I was 21 years old learning about these ideas they never taught me in school, yet these ideas seemed so much more real and actually made sense. I cared less about college than ever before, and in fact I began to question much of what I was learning there. I quit school completely and decided to work full time at the shop to study what truly mattered to me
I spent about 4 1/2 years at Maxx learning incredibly deep information about health and nutrition, much of which they unfortunately don’t teach in typical medical schooling, and I also learned about how the Deep State manipulates us via the Big Pharma and corporate agriculture systems. After I left Maxx in 2015 I held a couple other jobs in the alt. health field, working as a chiropractic assistant, another supplement store, a strength coach at a gym, but all of that wasn’t working for me. In 2016 I decided that I wanted to take a different path.
Into the Internet Battles
While I was waking up over these years, I wasn’t only interested in health and Big Pharma but all the other occulted (hidden or suppressed) information kept secret and truths twisted by our world elite. The financial system, our true history, real science and physics, how our government, intelligence and corporate industries really work.
Then in 2016, I saw Wikileaks drop Podesta’s emails, Donald Trump win a presidential election, the mainstream media trying to frame ‘Russia Russia Russia’ and stooping to lows that I had never witnessed.
I felt like I was going nowhere with my jobs, so I quit them to begin an online media brand. I made the jump, and I figured I’d find my wings on the way down. I took to social media to start sharing information and making content. I created a YouTube channel called Destroying the Illusion and uploaded my first video in January of 2017.
I talked about politics, the fake news, I posted about my health experiences and discussed my fascination with UFOs and the secret space program. Daily videos, sometimes two or three per day. I shit posted thoughts and memes to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. After a few months of grinding, I amassed a few ten thousand subscribers on my YouTube channel, then a cheesy whiteboard entered the picture. I made a few news reports and educational videos using a cheap $20 board from Staples, and somehow people loved it. I got my first 100,000 view video (Trump & Putin Trolling The World!), and things took off further. I was invited to a few events, got onto podcasts and radio shows, and began learning how to operate as a “digital soldier”.
Along Comes Q
On October 28th, 2017, we started to get our first posts from the famous, or infamous, “Q”. At the time, though, nobody had heard about it. I came across the Q’s first 4chan posts on October 29th or 30th, I think somebody shared screenshots with me via Twitter, if I remember correctly. They instantly piqued my interest, and I thought maybe these were coming from some sort of “insider”. Stories of “insiders” posting on website forums or giving “briefings” to independent journalists had been online for years, but these stories had always seemed to fall through. This one was different.
I began following and dissecting the posts, and reporting these posts and my findings on YouTube. I was one of the first, if not the first, person to examine Q on YouTube. Because of this, my channel skyrocketed to 100,000 subscribers by January 2018, within the first year of having it. This was before the demonetization, censorship, and algorithm manipulation started to hit.
Q’s posts kept coming, and close inspection began to reveal that this was indeed some sort of program being conducted by intelligence insiders in direct contact with President Trump. They seemed to be using it as a back channel for a variety of reasons, such as communicate to the public and put disinformation on a public forum for their deep state adversaries. The true story about Q is a long one, and even though we haven’t gotten a “Q Drop” for 9 months as of this writing (December 2020), I think the story is far from over. Just don’t listen to whatever the mainstream media tells you about it, their narratives are garbage. In fact, don’t listen to most people in alt. media or conspiracy world, either. I find even in “truth media” most still have a narrow view point on the subject, for whatever reason.
Censorship Begins & Work Progresses
In 2018 the first waves of censorship began coming. I had my YouTube channel suspended (for the first time) in February of that year. Fought like hell and got it back two months later, only to have in suspended again a month after that. Fought like hell again and got it back again. The second time it was suspended I wasn’t even given three strikes, they took one video down and the whole channel with it. It was a weird couple months of dealing with Big Tech’s B.S.
As my work and channel grew for the first couple years, opportunities came with that. In 2017 I began co-producing on a documentary project that released in October 2018 and hit #1 on the iTunes charts, entitled Above Majestic: the Implications of a Secret Space Program. I was invited to various events and conferences around the country to speak, most of them being UFO/Disclosure/consciousness conferences. 2019 and on brought more politically oriented patriot/freedom rallies. Into 2020, my YouTube channel had grown to over 200,000 followers with 33 million+ views, along with another 200K followers on Twitter and 150K between Instagram and Facebook pages. I was interviewed by the likes of Washington Post, Comedy Central, the Epoch Times, Infowars, Gaia, and more. (Not endorsements). Mainstream fake news began writing hit pieces featuring me in them. I even had a few tweets linked in the Q drops themselves. I was doing damage on the digital battlefield against our propagandist enemy.
2020 Changes Everything
2020 was a quite the year, of course. The Scamdemic came, the world was changed and truth tellers activated like never before. The Establishment hoisted their pandemic agenda onto society using their controlled media, science, and political institutions. They did it sloppily, hastily, and with so much bullshit involved that many unaware folk found themselves looking deeper into the control systems of the planet. They started searching for answers outside the “standard” means with independent influencers on social media were there to fill the void.
I saw through the pandemic propaganda instantly and made an impact against it early on. In January 2020 I tweeted about Bill Gates being affiliated with a company called the Pirbright Institute, and the Pirbright Institute having a patent for a coronavirus. Fake news outlets around the world jumped on me real quick for that, I think Buzzfeed lead the way. “QAnon conspiracy theorists and Anti-Vaxxers spread false claim about Bill Gates!!” Now, at the time I didn’t realize Pirbright working specifically with avian viruses and not human viruses so I didn’t have my tweets completely right, but I could tell something was wrong with it all.
In late February I tweeted about a disinfectant compound I was familiar with for years called chlorine dioxide and how it has the ability to kill COVID. Another round of hit pieces hit the media, and it went worldwide. This one was started by the Daily Beast. “QAnon conspiracy theorists suggests drinking toxic death bleach for coronavirus!!” Oh, how wrong they are. Funny, just a couple months later President Trump mentioned the possibility of using a “disinfectant” against covid. I wonder where he got that idea?
With my work against COVID, nonsense masks, vaccines, and everything else going viral, the censorship came with in. In late March, PayPal and MailChimp deleted my accounts with them on the very same day. Targeted, much?
Dozens of my posts and videos about chlorine dioxide, masks, vaccines, and more were removed from Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook over the summer. In October the mass YouTube purge hit and I had both of my channels removed. Twitter and Facebook suspended my accounts with them in the same week.
I also lost Patreon, Discord, Spotify accounts, and many more. All in all about 18 platforms have removed my accounts, content, or demonetized me. 800,000+ combined followers lost. Most of those accounts were in the weeks preceding the election, when Big Tech moved to silence and censor anybody who was reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop, potential election fraud, and Q.
As of now I am looking to hop on Trump’s class action lawsuit against Big Tech and hopefully get justice against the injustice of censorship many of us have been victims to. I was also censored out of one of those UFO conferences for exposing a little too much of the crap in the “UFOlogy” community. Long story, good one though.
The Current Fight
2020 was a year that woke many people up, and 2021 has only accelerated it further. Joe Biden (or whoever handles him) committed the greatest election fraud in American history and was sworn into office. Many of us thought Trump was going to pull a magic trick and take the White House back before the inauguration, but that didn’t happen. We’re going to have to expose this the hard way. It’s up to us as it’s always been.
COVID is crazier than ever, as well, Mask mandates have turned into vaccine mandates while we’re going through the Greek alphabet of “variants”, supposedly. Do these masks even work? Do these vaccines even work? Are either of those safe? And yet governments and corporations are mandating their staff wear them? Why do they believe it?
I once heard that the best way to wake somebody up is to oppress the shit out of them, and Lord knows how much oppression we are witnessing 2021. The harder they try, the more we push back.
While it may look like a scary world is toppling down on us, I don’t view it that way. I see humanity’s win as inevitable, it might just be a little rocky until we get there. As long as we fight on the side of light, darkness will stand no chance.
On one hand the censorship has been a bitch, but it feels good to be fighting the information war on alternative platforms that don’t feed the beast. You can find my writing on here, along with my work on alternative social media platforms and video channels.
You can find me mainly on Telegram, along with Gab and GETTR for social media.
I do livestreams a few times a week on DLive, Twitch, and the Foxhole app.
Replays of those livestreams as well as other videos are posted to my BitChute, Rumble, Gab, and Odysee channels.
You can support my work by subscribing to my Substack page (many newsletters will be free, subscribers will get extra posts) or to my JordanSather.tv website for video content. One for reading, one for watching. All my videos go on the .tv ad-free, along with other behind the scenes stuff.
I also have a donation box and affiliates on my website, a SubscribeStar account, and a supplement/nutrition brand called Conscious Strength I started in 2018.
Thanks to everyone who’s been here from the beginning and to everyone who’s joined along the way. Let’s keep fighting the good fight.
Time to get to Substackin’
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