I think there are little ways we can fight-back that could have a large positive impact. Maybe not stop but rather delay or make more difficult some of the SHTF plans.

One suggestion is try to hold on to using cash and cash transactions as much as possible. If a store, such as COSTCO makes it extremely difficult to use cash, simply do not shop there. Several stores are pushing us into digital and digital is diabolical. That is one tiny little private thing we can do to bring about a better situation for all of us.

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I'm holding some junk silver coins and pesos (I live in CA) to trade with when the dollar ends. It's already over, we just haven't come to terms with that yet.

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FEMA Diannie Criwall , the one that stoped supplys going into Maui an blocked exits from fire , is coming to Florida now to {{ HELP }} with the storm , who is going to help us fight off FEMA,, they will be coming with guns an control s ,, not food an water , they want us dead, depopulation plan , look how they incressed there kill in Maui ,

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Prayers for you and all Floridians. Stay Strong!

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This is how they invade. They create or use a natural disaster and then come in behind it with an occupying army to loot and perhaps kidnap people. Taking whatever they can of value. We know what armies do. I've heard the UN army is a bunch of raping war criminals and I don't doubt it. The fires are the groundwork. No one would be shocked if Biden begged the UN to send its army to help FEMA (rape and murder the populace).

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when they get to loot ,FEMA / UN ,,they say they look at it like an early christmis for them

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Be aware of Rhinos meant to split the vote:

Before Nicki supported abortion, she signed a warrant for the arrest of Dusten Brown for daring to want to be a father to his own daughter. Seems his ex gave the girl up for adoption without telling him. As Dusten entered the hospital to visit his daughter, the adoption agency took the child down the back exit. They then rushed her across state lines to flaunt the ruling of the court that said the child could not be adopted. To do so would be to violate the federal law protecting Native American children from being adopted by non Native Americans. Google the story to learn more. It's all right there.

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That's horrible. wow.

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Good summary, thank you.

(Space) Alien invasion remains my preferred Big Event.

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Nice article Jordan. Thank you

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Recently I had the thought that I need to go visit the handful of restaurants that I really enjoy while I can. I have the gut feeling soon everything will be belly up.

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The last time I was through the airport it struck me that I was looking at the last days of the airline industry being accessible to the general public.

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Makes sense to me.

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CPA an DOJ work to help support child traficing money

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Just putting it out; you're right, the fullerton informer could be a shill, along with everybody else; the fullerton informer has 124k subscribers; he has done videos on the socal hurricane, on Maui, the vaxx,5G dangers, even the corrupt churches; i would say that a high percentage of what he talks about is also talked about on alt media; he just doesn't like trump, i know it's a bold prediction, but imho the men and women acting as AGENTS of this SERVICE CORPORATION (UNITED STATES, INC) want our arms and there willing to do anything; they want the men and women who love this country to fire the second shot heard around the world;yeah they have had 6.5 years and they don't need 45 to accomplish there goals, they need us to accomplish there goals; so in my opinion trump is a suspect in this show(full stop).

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Be not conformed to this evil world system.

Pray for the country and people of Canada and the Untied States of America.

God bless us each and every one.


"Because you have so little faith," He answered. "For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move.

Matthew 17:20

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Gitmo is going to give a new meaning , for the deep staters that think of themselfe as swingers

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The timing of this pandemic stuff is to provide cover for the real sickness that is going on. They need a story to explain why vaxx injured people are sick and getting sicker. As the season changes the lower Vit. D levels mean that people with shredded immune systems don't have their best natural defense. The resulting sickness will be called Marburg and it's supposed to be very deadly. A lot of people getting ready to D. Non vaxxed could D too. I almost D'd from the last shit.

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For some of us that think that 45 could possibly be part of the 3 ring circus and i heard this from the fullerton informer ( check it out on youtube) an ass as i nation; a fake one ; anything to start a civil war to take the arms away;

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That doesn’t make any sense, if 45 was in on the circus he could of accomplished your thoughts 100 times over in the last 6.5 years.

BTW anyone you are watching on YouTube is not informed or over the target or YouTube would ban them!! They are just making money off of people desperate for information and direction. Consider moving on.

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What if they executed him as a traitor? What if they execute Trump and Assange and gloat over the murders in public, like the story of the two witnesses in Revelation? That might get 'er done. It seems like they're trying to fulfill this prophecy. They will continue to take provocative action if war is what they want.

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FEMA Diannie Criwall , the one that stoped supplys going into Maui an blocked exits from fire , is coming to Florida now to {{ HELP }} with the storm , who is going to help us fight off FEMA,, they will be coming with guns an control s ,, not food an water , they want us dead, depopulation plan , look how they incressed there kill in Maui ,

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