Excellent! In your usual clear way and natural ability, you have utilized General Kwast's list of eight and created a really good blueprint and guide to follow! It's a keeper 👍

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I'm in.

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Decentralization can enhance freedom by distributing power, but it also presents challenges in coordination and security.

How do we address potential risks and ensure effective governance in a decentralized system?

Keep up the good work Jordan, I've shared!

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GREAT IDEA !!! 🙋😃🙋 (but, you missed one)

We also need clean air. The chem trails come down from the sky and pollute water, soil, crops, and the air itself.

So, that makes 9 Pillars

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What about Religion? Religion has been I filtrated, from the Pope to tele-vangelists, to seminaries to document translations. Religions, Jew, Christian, and Muslim faiths need to cleansed.

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Jordan, you are an amazing man for your age; a leader for the coming generation. Thank you for putting yourself out there and taking the slings and arrows.

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Amen! Vote with all your hard earned dollars!!

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Centralization is monopolisation enabled by regulation using Private-Public-Partnerships.. Stakeholders- governments & corporations secret fascist agreements.

Decentralization is de-monopolization, getting rid of interference by Government and corporate bullies.

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I was on a hike today with 5 ladies and shared some of this with a couple of them who were curious about my South Dakota trip. Hopefully they consider looking at Badlands.

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Jordan, so wonderful to see this extraordinary article by you, for two reasons: one, we spoke at GART about you doing more videos and writing because you are so good at parsing the information and keeping emotion out (love your work!); two, because as Gen Kwast was listing these 8 pillars off my writing was too slow to catch it all. LOL. Thank you for the gift of you! BTW, I need more Zeolite, ordering more today, ;-).

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I understand water prices just doubled in Oregon. Is that true? And electricity might increase too. This would all be due to removing the dam on the Washington/Oregon border at the request of Native American groups---or so the headline read. My Oregon contact is not a reliable witness on anything money, and had they been, they wouldn't be in Oregon to tell me about this.

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I'm also starting to see some insidious articles that hint at an agist program the socialists want to start---that they feel will endure them to young people. I'm seeing articles accusing Baby Boomers of :

not selling their homes despite "not having children." (Nevermind how many boomers raise grandchildren or how many young people return home or live at home with parents longer.)

Of not giving up their jobs. Apparently young people can't get ahead because Baby boomers are only working "because they want to." That article was in Washington Post. They claimed that death used to be why Americans left jobs, but here in the 20th century, you see, we have social security. This brand dead louse they have a nerve to call a journalist skipped plane over retirement funds and pensions that often don't exist any more.

Obviously Baby boomers should be homeless and poor so the young people can prosper, and obviously this is all designed to snag votes from the least educated of our young people. It would be a very popular program for the first few years amongst the self-entitled who feel that Boomers were the reason they could never get promoted before.

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Man, I'm all in for that getting water out of the air thing! Here in eastern Oklahoma, it is EXTREMELY humid in the summer, so we could generate water like gangbusters! In the mornings the humidity is often as high as the temperature. Right now at 1:30 p.m. it's 97 degrees and still 48%. Not very nice, Precious, but that's ok, we always say if we had a great climate, too many more lefties would come here. I heard Gen. Kwast talk about the water tech on the interview with Ghost of BPH and it was fascinating and exciting!!

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