Great writing. Thanks for taking the time for all this research for all of us.

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Jordan Sather I have followed you over the years and I must say "MOST EXCELLENT WRITING". You are a very good journalist, and you are also an excellent researcher, and a free-thinking man. You summed everything up perfectly.

Now how about all of us begin incorporating our daily lives with spirituality. Now is the time.

The same establishment also killed our spirituality, creativity and imagination which are all truths.

Thank you for the article. MH

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Great job

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Great article!

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Excellent article. I have read your articles here & there after you appeared with Dani years ago on one of her talks. Your growth has been a joy to see. I hope your little one is thriving & well.

I do not call the creatures "elites". That term was put out by their minions. They are a parasitical species of hominid wearing humanish meat suits that cannot exist without us to feed them in some way.

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Jordan, your writing continues to be succinct and inspiring. I'll add two expanded thoughts:

1---Unlike most people, I welcome the pending financial crash, distinguished from daily economics, because such stock market chaos would expedite the failure of international-Federal Reserve banksters and the return of a US national treasury in control of its currency value AND force us people to invent local exchange, even barter, again. I say depression era necessity will be the mother of revived decentralized local commerce.

2---You should add the United Nations, along with obsolete alliances like NATO, to your hit list of centralized tyrants. It galls me to no end that the UN and NATO still suckle at the US tit when WW II--Cold War enemies are inconsequential today. In fact, I see more in common with Putin Russia than globalist Macron France, ha! go figure! UN should be kicked off US property, NATO US troops reduced and all reassigned to watch over our national borders.

Over and out.

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Great job Jordan. Thank you for all you do to keep us educated and informed.

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Awesome article, Jordan. Concise and to the point. Thank you!

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My gratitude to you, for informing the people, with your able writing ability. Best for the future.

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Excellent article Jordan! Yes they infiltrated from the top down for centralized control of our planet. Time to take back control of our planet

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Very good summary!

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Lots of info packed in there. Thank you

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Excellent! TY JS!

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Loved this email. Very informative. Thank you.

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I'm gonna be optimistic. I'm supporting and funding MAD.Energy to bring change to the Energy industry. This should make Nikola Tesla proud to start.

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This is the reason I follow Jordan. I don't have to watch and listen to all the bs then try to sort it out, which I suck at. If I stay tuned in to Jordan, I can skip all the nonsense because I've already been informed that it's shit. I can stay focused on important things. Thank you, Jordan. I try to catch his live streams, but it seems I'm always late but when I'm on time or early, he's a no-show. LOL.

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