Jun 12Liked by Jordan Sather

Nice analysis Jordan.

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I can't believe they're getting rid of Alex Jones and replacing him with Tucker 'Vanilla' Carlson as the new voice of Conspiracy Theory.

What a joke.

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Alex Jones is the joke.

He's the poster child of Controled Op Shill.

But don't take my word for it.


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Def, one question newbie:

Who do you believe banned InfoWars from Youtube?

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A silicone enveloped member of silicone valley?

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I like to follow Michael S. Heiser, an Old Testament scholar, for a better understanding of the Bible. Four of his books that I would recommend are 'The Unseen Realm : Recovering the Supernatural worldview of the Bible', 'Supernatural : What the Bible Teaches About the Unseen World and Why it Matters', Angels : What the Bible Really Says About God's heavenly Host', and 'Demons : What the Bible Really Says About the Powers of Darkness

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One of the best yet Jordan!

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Was it ever established who/what makes the crop circles?

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Thank you for your efforts during this war. I appreciate your insights. 🙏❤️🇺🇸🐸✝️Q

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Still waiting for UFO being demons report.

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Tucker lost me with his first podcast, promoting RFK Jr. and throwing shade at Trump.

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There are fair criticisms of Trump. I prefer honesty.

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First, get rid of your tv and stop listening to lies. There is no way a Christian can justify murdering innocent babies. Maybe try reading the Bible instead. If you really prefer honesty...

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"There are fair criticisms of Trump"

And what is Trump's position on Izrael's genocide of the Palestinians?

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Obama created Hamas.

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Hamas are satan's terrorists who use Palestinian citizens as shields.

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But what is Trump's position?

What has he said publicly as his position on Izrael's slaughter of the Palestinians?

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Trump has said Obama created Hamas to destroy America. He's absolutely right.

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Palestinians are Hamas dressed a civilians. They are the flag wavers for them. The vast majority of the population supports Hamas or some Islamic terrorist movement. Only a tiny minority opposes Islamic terrorism and wants peace.

The distinction is not between soldiers, terrorists and civilians, but enemies and non-combatants. Israel and Western nations should stop thinking about civilians, a concept that does not apply in a battlespace where terrorists wear street clothes and entire neighbourhoods are controlled by clans that hide hostages in plain sight.

As far as Satanic goes, I agree, they mostly are if they are supporters of Hamas.

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Well said Jack. It's a giant, calculated psyop.

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The best source I've found, after years of seeking on this subject, is the fellow named Kab on Twitter / X; full name @Kabamur_Taygeta. He claims to have Pleiadian sources and covers the full range of UFO matters, from biblical times to present day, and explaining current-day sightings from posted videos, as to what kind of ships these are, who is in them, and what they are doing that particular day and place. He claims there are 600+ underground / undersea bases on Earth, and provides much evidence. He says there are no Earth-made crafts in our skies, they are all Pleiadian, that they are gradually getting us used to their presence, in order to raise our consciousness, and that for higher levels of consciousness, travelling across space and time is not a problem. He says the Pleiadian ETs altered human genetics eons ago, essentially 'fast-tracking us into becoming galactic citizens'.

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I've caught Kabamur trying to pass off videos of helicopters and random space debris as being "Pleiadian Motherships" numerous times.

& I have a tough time believing so-called channeled sources. There is no way to verify the grandiose claims Kabamur is making. I get a sense of delusion when I read his posts.

Also one thing about the Pleiades star system - there are no known planets there.

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Thanks for that; he does seem to be a bit too good to be true at times. Though, as a recovering fundamentalist Christian, I like his explanations of 'metaphysical' biblical events.

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If you like metaphysical biblical events, check out the book The 12th Planet by Zachariah Sitchen.

I found his research fills in a lot of gaps left in the Bible.

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absolute BS.

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Prove it. Otherwise just another empty, time-wasting opinion. Your "There are energies. And there are extraterrestrials" is too cryptic to be useful.

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Jun 22·edited Jun 22

Like Jordan said, there is no life in the Pleiades.

Like Jordan said, don't believe channeled sources.

It is on Kabumir to prove his claims, not me. But he has no proof.


But just think logically. His claims are pure fantasy and hopium.

If you are a recovering fundamentalist Christian, you are not far off from the truth. It's just that a few key words were changed in the bible, and a few key parts were left out. I would point you to the Talmud Jmmanuel scrolls written by Judas Ischkerioth,

the only disciple who could read and write. Someone did prove it was written before the other versions of the gospels. His name was Professor James Deardorff, and his website is tjresearch.info, even though he worked on an older inaccurate, and incomplete translation. You can search the site above for "tomb raider" and you will learn how the scrolls were found.

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An interesting argument for sure. If there were UFO's and extra-terrestrial life. It should have occurred everywhere else on earth and not only in America where it does seem to be the case. There should be evidence elsewhere on earth, wreckage or skeletal evidence or apparatus?

We just don't know and yes there may be other. Are there unseen forces outside of our conscious perception in electromagnetic spectrum. Quite possible? Our imaginations do run wild though. Obi-Wan Kenobi should tell us that.

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Great take.

Tucker's problem is his Catholic / religious / biblical bias.

I was raised Catholic too, so I know what is blocking him from getting to the truth.

You are getting so close, Jordan. Kudos for wading through the UFO community crap.

Of course, you could have skipped all of that if you had just listened to me from the beginning.

But you get closer every day.

There are energies. And there are extraterrestrials.

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