Jordan- Thank you! This really helped my spirits and confidence that we ARE moving forward. Being a "NOW" girl, my moving forward cadence is more like... the MSM acknowledging Pizza Gate, the COVID misinformation and etc so pausing to trace the "wins" and seeing the logic for absent actions really helps. You are wise beyond your years.

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I hope so, Jordan. You were always the voice of reason despite your being so young. They could be covering up for the big fish, as usual.

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Let's not forget Rachel (Ray) Chandler's part in all this...I've been waiting for years for her arrest & trial!

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We are all subjects in a petri dish for hundreds of thousands of years. Everything you see is a Delusion. People are being controlled by something they cannot see or hear. FYI Matrix.

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Whenever "Nothing is Happening," it means "Something is Happening."

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I've heard different reports of Jeffrey Epstein's rumored FAKE death. While that makes a lot of sense that cronies of his would want him 'out of the way' on some remote island (not his island of course) but out of the way... it also makes sense that these same cronies might want to snuff him out to protect their own hides from prosecution of their dastardly deeds. I wonder if the truth of Epstein's demise will ever be known. Have never heard of any funeral.

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I agree this is the 1st domino, it’s broken the story into the MMS and people will readily eat up what’s coming next . All of a sudden all sleeping friends are experts in the Maxwell case 😀 can’t wait to see how their eyes pop when the guts of what they did come out.

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SPOT ON dear Jordan!

1---Your discerning clarity is of a wisdom of someone twice your age. I often despair at the brainwashed, shallow-educated "woke" contemporaries of your millennial generation that includes one of my adult children. You and my other independent, patriotic child give me such consolation. Together in solidarity we will win this decades-long, degenerate, communist invasion.

2---Let me add one more point to your logical arguments:

Sealed Ghislaine trial court details = time out for Ghislaine and her defense attorneys to finger her co-handlers AND customers in her pedo ring. Her depositions on these criminals would be quickest, easiest way to expand indictments of her ring leaders.

Cover up NOT.

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I hope you are right, Jordan. The controllers are selecting the ones they are going to sacrifice in order to save their own skins - Epstein and Maxwell were offered up, and others, like Fauci, are awaiting their turn. Just remember, a lot of this is for public consumption.

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HEy Jordan I respect you sooo much that I request that you share your thoughts about this global effort.... can it be trusted to bring our humanaty back... https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/about/

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Hi, Jordan! I just wanted to let you know that I agree with what you're saying about Maxwell. Thanks for the update! ^_^

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She was guilty 5 of 6? What was she NOT guilty of?

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Nice read Jordan! Mental events are not passive happenings, but the acts of a subject?

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Wishiful thinking at it's best

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