Economy On The Brink: Will This Be The Excuse To Push Digital Dollars?
I don't know about you, but I can't wait to have my every move tracked by the Federal Reserve!
(Nothing in this article should be construed as financial advice. I am simply an idiot with a keyboard giving you my thoughts and speculations of what’s happening and what may come.)
Joe Biden’s economy is crashing as hard as his bicycle.
As of this writing our economy is on the brink of recession, if not at recession levels already. In terms of traditional markets the S&P 500 index is down 24% since it’s highs 6 months ago, the NASDAQ is down almost 33%, the Dow Jones nearly 20. Over 3 trillion dollars have been wiped out from American’s retirement accounts this year alone. It’s been 40 years since inflation has seen it’s current levels, and this is causing Central Banks around the world to raise their interest rates to levels they haven’t done in 30 years. Well, maybe if they didn’t print ungodly amounts of fiat dollars over the last 3 years (over $6.5 trillion in “stimulus” for 2020 alone!), then maybe inflation wouldn’t be this bad?! Be nice if they thought of that sooner. Or maybe they did, and that was the plan.
Then we have gas prices, which have been making new highs every week for months. Areas on the West Coast are already seeing 6 and 7 dollars per gallon. Some gas stations in Washington State have reprogrammed their pumps in anticipation of $10 per gallon later this year. Our genius president is cancelling oil drilling leases in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico and deciding to tap into our nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves to the tune of 1 million barrels a day for the next 6 months to “address global supply disruptions and volatile energy costs”. These Strategic Reserves are for, you know, when we’re dealing with something like a giant world war or a mega earthquake that cripples our country - not when the nincompoop in the White House and his handlers find it fun to destroy our economy. (Let’s not act like this is an accident)
Not just gas, but prices of other commodities are through the roof right now. Lumber, food, clothing, rent - prices of it all are getting higher than Hunter Biden and it’s stressing the pocketbooks of working class Americans more than ever. Data shows that the average household is paying an extra $400 per month because of the price inflation.
Let’s be honest: we wouldn’t have these issues if these Cabal clowns didn’t cause them in the first place. Good ol’ Hegelian Dialectic in action.
We’re in a category 5 economic hurricane, and estimates from some analysts say that the eye of this storm isn’t even here yet.
Let’s all say it in unison, friends - Let’s Go Brandon!!
For reparations, I demand one dollar for every vote that was faked for Biden in my bank account. Just go ahead plug a Dominion machine in it, we’ll watch that number rise at 3 a.m.
In terms of cryptocurrency, those markets are getting absolutely REKT. Bitcoin is down 40% in the last week alone and down 75% from all time highs last November. Alternative crypto coins (“Shitcoins”, as they’re often called in the industry, because they’re essentially money grabs by code developers), are down over 90% from their all time highs late last year. In typical bear market cycles Bitcoin has 80% draw downs, which we’re already at, but the crypto market has yet to experience a global recessions the likes of what we’re seeing right now. As the time of this writing Bitcoin is sitting in the mid-18,000s. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a $11,000 Bitcoin over the summer, nor would I be shocked if it drops under the $10,000 mark. Full reset in action.
The bad news is that some of these shitcoins and some crypto exchanges may not survive this catastrophic bear market. The good news is that there are so many scam coins in the market and they deserve to go under. Thinning the heard will make crypto healthier in the long run.
The realistic news is that the Central Banks might be involved with purposefully manipulating the markets, traditional and crypto, in order to justify massive amounts of over-regulation and then, more importantly, push their Central Bank Digital Currency, or “CBDCs”.

Bitcoin is something the Central Banks don’t like because it’s decentralized and has no central governing authority. They can’t control it. What the Deep State Cabal wants is everyone using a Central Bank Digital Currency because that way they can track everyone’s expenditures on a controlled database. In addition, they would have the ability to restrict bank accounts.
Imagine the government being able to shut off your ability to buy things because you made a social media post that they thought was “disinformation” or “hate speech”?That’s a wet dream for these psychopaths, and guess what - it’s already happening in communist China right now.
A protest planned by hundreds of bank depositors in central China seeking access to their frozen funds has been thwarted because the authorities have turned their health code apps red, several depositors told Reuters.
The depositors were planning to travel to the central province of Henan this week from across China to protest against an almost two-month block on accessing at least $178 million of deposits, which has left companies unable to pay workers and individuals unable to access savings.
We know they’re trying to fast track America into the same communist style control that the likes of China is employing, and the problem (for us, not them) is that the majority of the American public is blind to it. They don’t realize the incremental steps that have been laid in the U.S.A. over decades to leave our social engineers with full spectrum dominance. We are boiling frogs.
And they’re using a variety of reasons in an effort to get society onto a trackable, controlled database, whether it’s coronavirus health passes, climate change carbon trackers, or programs for “social equality”. Here’s a thought: what if a massive economic crash is used as an excuse to get society onto a Central Bank Digital Currency. I can already imagine them gaslighting to make us think it’s good and necessary, “It’s a natural state of technological evolution. It was bound to happen. Let’s embrace it in the name of scientific advancement!”. You can see one of the excuses that Jerome Powell used in the video above, “We need to keep the U.S. Dollar globally competitive, a digital dollar will help us do that!”. Problem, reaction, solution. They create the problem, get a reaction from the public, and they have the pre-planned solution ready to go.
So folks, buckle up and hunker down. Be careful with your investments, prices might look juicy but this isn’t your average dip, sometimes it’s just best to wait. Stock up on necessary goods to have on hand for your family, preparing is never a bad idea. Learn to garden, know how to homestead. Be independent and self-sufficient. Focus on what’s important in your life, your family, your community, and yourself. Reject all the control schemes that our global elites will try to roll out, we will fight against them and prevent their maniacal agendas. Keep fighting, have faith and no fear because at the end of the day, we will win.
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Thanks for another great article, Jordan. For all intents and purposes, the US dollar is a digital currency - everything from printing to paying to saving to investing to transferring is done digitally. And the dollar has failed dismally for the usual reasons, as fiat currencies always do.
What they don't have is "control" over the people using the dollar. Giving the government that control (via vax card, CBDC, etc.) is not only unconstitutional, it's terrifying. The banning, censoring, and de-platforming many have experienced is just a taste of things to come. Add in the inability to actually use the CBDC and you have the endgame.
Thanks also for not referring to Biden and the Dems as incompetent as many others do, along with saying what needs to be done to fix things - the actions of this regime are entirely planned and intentional.
God Bless!
I really enjoy your writing Jordan, and actually just found your podcast. You're definitely awake when most are asleep and just say it plainly. Thank you.