Jordan, that is a fantastic article on the Suppression of Free Energy. I have been with you for many years and I am telling you that is where your strength is located. Stop beating on other "Truthers" and concentrate on your real strength. You will thrive in the future buddy! Richard Joy

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We can roast the clickbait clowns and educate about free energy at the same time. Walk and chew gum!!

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Hey Jordan, you seem to have a few hopefuls in your arena. What are you waiting for gorgeous ?

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Jordan, you are better than that. Don't lower yourself to their level as you are a real Truther.

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Great article Jordan! Well thought out and researched. If you have not read it yet, a great book to read is Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries by Jonathan Eisen. Really informative!

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Incredible. Thank you for posting Jordan awesome article! I was just having conversation with my dad about this very subject today. I’m connected to a few very smart engineers. Let’s put our heads together as I have some ideas and create something. I believe these technologies will be released to the world once the transition happens. 

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Excellent Article!

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Open source research is key to making these technologies accessible to all.

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I really like the idea of open source everything! Full disclosure is really the only way. 

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I beleive the key to "free energy" relies on the fact that the Neutron, although smaller in size, is greater in "mass" than the Proton. This can only make sense in a physical world made of Aether. Baryonic mass is localized animation of sub attomic Aether particles relative to the greater matrix of stablized Aether particles that surrounds it. At the subatomic level, superluminous speeds are not just possible, they are necessarily for light waves to exist. (Remember, the speed of light is the FORWARD propagation speed of the light wave. The wave transfer of energy to individual particles of Aether can and must be faster than the waves forward propagation speed.) Through manipulation of magnetic Flux in a concentrated area, the compressive force of the Aether that surrounds the subatomic particles and bind/confine the neutron can become destabilized , initiating the release of energy as the neutron decouples and devolves back into a proton and an electron.

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You are certainly a valuable candidate for research and development, have you considered hooking up w/ Sarah Lew?

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Who is that?

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Here's one for ya...guess who Nikola Teslas "trusted assistant" was at the end of his life? GW Sr. no shit check it out and then realize where the free energy technology went!!

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Again, Give us some inspiring details--please!!!!!!!!!!!! Respectfully, Mary Lou McKinney.

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George H. Scherff, Jr., became the 41st President of the United States as GHW Bush and George H. Scherff, Sr., was Nicola Tesla's “trusted assistant.”.

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Jordan, I wrote a KEY letter to the Head of the new Independent Study Group for NASA on UAPs. I highly suggest you read this before you post anything else about anti-gravity technology! NASA Chief of Security admitted to having anti-gravity tech!!!

Subject: In Researching UAPs, consider NASA has disclosed they have anti-gravity tech space vehicles...

To: dspergel@simonsfoundation.org

Namaste David Spergel, Ph.D.Congratulations on heading the new Independent Study of UAP for NASA!! Such a group has been needed for several decades. [Never A Straight Answer]

I have critical information to disclose to you and your group regarding UAPs and their possible origins being vehicles from NASA themselves. This is an incredible admission from NASA that you MUST know about and account for given your roll in investigating UAPs. NASA Chief of Security has disclosed in a voice mail publicly that they certify and register anti-gravitic technology space craft. As incredible as this sounds, it's true and the evidence is here to prove it.

While his voice may be a little off, i do certify under penalty of perjury that this voicemail is true, valid, and from NASA. If you know legalisms, you'd know how serious of a statement that is. Here is the voice mail from NASA Chief of Security disclosing certifications and registration of anti-gravity tech craft (1m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ccz1_uwxd-Q

Here is my brief story. As an international lawyer, I was studying UN Space Law; which requires everything that goes into space be registered. Given the whistle blowers claiming anti-gravity space craft exist and are real, i assumed that if they were real, they would need to be certified and registered.

So i called the FAA about the process of registering anti-gravity space craft; to which they said that they do not register things that go into space. The FAA gave me NASA's Customer Service phone number. I left a message once a day for a month with NASA Customer Service voicemail about how to register anti-gravity space craft, but they never called back.

So i called NASA General Counsel, and left a message on the voicemail of NASA's General Counsel Intellectual Property Attorney. They certainly would have classified clearance to know what is going on. NASA Chief of Security called me back and left details on certification requirements and registration of anti-gravity space craft. Again. here is NASA chief of Security voice mail (1m) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ccz1_uwxd-Q

Given this Disclosure by NASA to certifying and registering anti-gravity space craft, here are my questions:

1) How many are registered?

2) when did NASA start registering these vehicles?

3) what technology are they hiding?

4) who makes these vehicles?

5) How long will it take for the petro-dollar value to go to exactly zero?

If NASA wanted to stop man-made climate change, they could by releasing this technology publicly any time they wanted.

Please consider that any, and possibly all, UAPs could actually be registered vehicles with NASA. These craft would very likely have black boxes tracking them. You could sequester the data from these craft, if they are registered with NASA, and correlate the flight data with sightings of UAPs to possibly get a better idea of UAPs.

This is an open public letter so that you can be held accountable for being presented this information publicly. You should be able to demand of NASA Chief of Security the application paperwork for registration of anti-gravity vehicles to get a better idea of what they are actually doing with what they call UAPs, possibly their own vehicles. It's possible that they will not let this classified military information out of their classified hands into the public.

Please do not let your independent group be captured by NASA to whitewash that NASA has nothing to do with UAPs or that NASA doesn't have anti-gravity technology when they have literally admitted publicly that they do. Hold their feet to the fire, be Independent.

If you have any questions, please ask me. I am open.

In lak'ech ala k'in,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Bro this is one of the best articles I've read in a very long time. One thing I would add is that the Holy Spirit of God is the revealer of mysteries and wisdom. What we need is that revolution based on the mind (just as you said). New science will be based on "Revelation", not Mathematics. Revelation brings understanding from God from his spirit, instead of pathetic regurgitation of flawed principles. This is how Tesla invented AC electricity. I've had this happen when I am coding and The Lord pops a line of code into my mind that I had zero knowledge of beforehand and I wasn't even trying to find.

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Yes, it begins in the mind. And the collective minds of the multigenerational psychopaths and pedovors controlling our wealth have held us all back - until now. As we break free of these shadow-monsters we will reclaim that stolen wealth they have hoarded for themselves - and our true genius will be free to flourish too. They cannot stop us now. What a time to be alive.

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What advice would you give to somebody with a free energy technology invention? How do they break through these barriers?

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Collect and inspire one billion adults to donate their time and $, ($20.00 each) for research and development of new technologies. And oh yeah, refuse to acquiesce!

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AETHER: COSMOS ENERGY. We mankind are that, We are not the Human Body our REAL body is Light body, all on earth are Divine Beings, We are creators.... go figure!

The Lost Interview with Nikola Tesla (video)


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Check out Jack Brewer's book Wayward Sons: NICAP and the IC

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Nice work Patriot

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In-Home Energy Production

Iron Man suits for intercontinental and personal transportation

Revolutionized Vehicle Engines

Crowdsourced farming (Get rid of centralized pig farms, whole states dedicated to corn and soybeans, etc.). Make farming personal again through the technology we have available.

Stop using food (corn) for fuel (ethanol)

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