Why do you think you have the answers. Were you there, do you have access to classified materials?
Stop codeming other when you have nothing but mockingbird media. Where is your resume to compare to Mr D. Johnson or Ms Halper-Hayes? YOU ARE THE DISTRACTION YOU ARE ONE WHO FAILS TO UNDERSTAND STFU
Well for one, I show the sauce so that helps answer things.
Two - there are some things I cannot answer, only speculate on. And I make that clear.
Three - obvi I don't have access to classified materials. Neither do many faces on social media. If they did, they wouldn't be sharing such info on social media or the news.
Four - "I have nothing but mockingbird media". Make that make sense for me.
Five - Your attack against me is that "I don't have a resume to compare"...? Clear logical fallacy, you don't want to look at the evidence apparently.
Good job showing your brilliance with this comment, Jo.
Well stated. Enjoy reading your work which, for me, is injecting a bit of sanity into the fringes of the Q/MAGA movement. I too got started with 'Ol Charlie but got tired of him babbling on about all his fantastical prognostications, none of which passed the smell test to me.
I really like your thought that the stuff on the U.S. Corporation and gold transport was injected as "clickbait" to grab the attention of the Drive Byes. They'll hold that up as an example of how crazy the movement is and potentially Red Pill anyone still following them as to the surveillance issues.
I was about to head down the rabbit hole again and then read this. I'll keep these notes in mind on my trip, but I am a student of history and the practicalities of life, so I want to understand more fully the 'how' the story actually was accomplished and the 'who' authorized and set it into motion. How long has the concept been percolating before the action was taken and things changed. Particularly where does Lincoln fit into this. Was he Illuminati all along. JFK was also supposed to be, but not all Illuminati players are in lock step. Family members down the road may have a different opinion than elders and break from the family. Hence, get eliminated. Consider Lincoln, Titanic, JFK, RFK, tbd JFK jr. eliminated. We did make it to the moon (thank you for acknowledging as I used to follow you in 2018 until that prob). Most likely there are space aliens, hopefully real story emerges. Glad to see you stop and question things now, no matter how the truth of things get disclosed to us. Better to wonder and ask, which is why I read your article. If nothing more, you've come a long way. Bravo!
We shall see what emerges in the comings days and weeks. Thank you for your work. I'll go back to my timeline research and start connecting my own dots. Feeling is a process.
I'm fairly like you, I don't trust what I can't touch. If it's any help I've heard rumors that the left has written a new constitution, totally illegal pretty recently. as I told a friend, maybe Trump does have the gold and maybe he doesn't. At this point we have to gamble. lol my next line to him was the homo army vs our army, I love the odds.
The US isn't a corporation, Washington DC is and it's easily provable. There are essentially two entities in this country, the United States Corporation, and the United States of America under the Constitution. When we get our SS number with our name in all caps it's called our STRAWMAN, and it integrates us into the corporation, but we can break free of it by filing a UCC1 and taking ownership of our own strawman. I recommend you read The Creature from Jekyll Island and "How I Clobbered every bureaucratic cash confiscatory agency known to man". It's available as a PDF, just search for it. And btw, I filed a UCC1 on my strawman and am no longer beholden to the US Corporation, nor to it's laws. I was stopped for having expired plates and also had no insurance, and after the officer checked me out he came back to the car and said "I'm sorry to bother you sir, have a nice day!" and he left. As to the planes of gold I don't trust Ward nor many others, but I do trust Trump, and when he says "We have it all" you can take that to the bank. Devolution is real, as many are going to be shocked to find out fairly soon.
I imagine you could show them your filing papers and return docs, but I didn't, I just gave the cop my drivers license and when he checked the information was already in their database, so apparently it was changed when I filed. Now I just need to figure out how to get access to the 100 million I claimed in my Strawman account, but so far it's looking like it isn't all that easy to do.
I'm not a state national in that respect, I am a Sovereign citizen under the Constitution of the State of Texas where I was born rather than being under the "legal" and financial ownership of the US Corporation.
To make that happen I filed a UCC1 (Uniform Commercial Code) reclaiming my Sovereignty from the US Corporation and by doing that I regained ownership of my Strawman.
I can also provide a copy of my filing and how I did it. The original site I followed isn't online any longer but there are a few others that can also help to explain it and help in the process if you're so inclined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRnMHYtcSbg
I did it over ten years ago and there are a lot of other sources out there now that will explain the how and why of the process, but the background information from Jekyll Island and also from the Mary Croft ebook I mentioned earlier will set the stage to understand what it is and how it can be done.
I am State National after filing with US Sec. of State. I have US passport which hopefully has my status accurately recorded with it but there's nothing printed on the book/card that says this.
You're very welcome, and thank you also. I saw Anne Vandersteel talk about becoming a State National months ago but I never looked into it, so since it came back around I'm going to.
What I know is it saved my keister when I was totally out of money and had no legit plates on my car nor any insurance, so to my mind that is proof enough and I see no downside, nor have I experienced any since. So how is it problematic when it removes us from the "legal" entity of the STRAWMAN? And who is Charles Sprinkle?
It would be nice, but I am skeptical of Trump. He pushed the Vax, which he must have known was a fraud. I did, since. Day One. He had "Lady" (man) Gaga at Mar-A-Lago, and that puts me off and questions his loyalty & morality. And much more, but the line has been crossed, and he'll have to prove it with Truth - something he seems remiss in telling. He lies out his ass...
Yeah, I know. Sometimes he's not as smart as he should be. He's an exceptional business man, but he got scammed by Fauchi big time and he needs to own that. If you remember in the beginning he was saying we should take Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, which are cheap remedies that were already proven to worked for SARs type viruses, but he got shut down by the media and Fauchi because Fauchi was working for Pfizer and told him the vax was safe and he believed it.
I've read the accusations regarding his morality early on too, but thus far I haven't seen anything BUT accusations. I do know his love of the country is real, and while I can't prove it I think he's truly with God now. The proof is in the pudding as they say, and the EOs he put into law when in office were all highly beneficial for us. There are also dozens of accounts out there of very good things he's done for others like paying off mortgages, etc, which to me show a very strong character.
And, he has the wherewithal to take down the Deep State, and literally nobody else who's running now does. He's known a lot of them for decades because of his wealth, and he and his father and brother were also fighting them for decades, so he knows their evil, and he is and was trying to put an end to it.
The original constitution from 1788 read: "Constitution FOR the United States." It was amended in 1871 to read: "Constitution OF the United States." Wording is everything. The latter turned the District of Columbia into the United States Corporation, run by foreign banking interests. You can find the original text of the Organic Act of 1871 at https://www.us.archive.org - in which, it goes into detail about making a "government" for the District of Columbia, thus turning it into a corporation. From there it was a short step to convince the sovereign citizens of America that those in DC had the power and authority to enforce laws outside its jurisdiction - which is false. Since 1871 those in DC have manipulated the sovereign citizens of America, taxing them to pay off the Corporation's debt (which private American citizens are not responsible for), and lying to us about what is and isn't allowed. If we reverted back to the original, organic Constitution, we would completely destroy the United States Corporation, and remove all power from the corrupt government. So getting back to your article, as it stands right now, American citizens are owned by the Corporation; we are not free or sovereign. But we can be if we do away with the current system. And President Trump is in the best position to do that. Agree or disagree, like it or don't; facts are facts.
See my comment below yours. The only thing I would nitpick on your comment is the use of the term citizen. The corporation uses this term to mean an agent of a foreign power (according to Jordan Maxwell). To them the term citizen means an employee from Britain, a subject of the King of England. I don't consider myself to be subject to anyone. I'm an American. When you declare that you are a citizen, which you must do to enter into employment in every state, you admit that you are an agent of a foreign power...Britain.
You point out some key differences and facts, which I appreciate. However, I would also argue that when we use citizen in conjunction with “sovereign” it denotes a free citizen, a person not subject to anyone’s rule nor viewed or recognized as a foreign agent. If “citizen” was used by itself, then I can see where the problem and danger lies. I’m Native American (I know I don’t look it), but I’m first and foremost an American - that is who and what I am; we agree on that. And that is what the Corporation is most afraid of: that we rally together and call ourselves Americans, and denounce their ownership of us.
Controlled opposition. Only the dumbest amongst us believe it wholeheartedly and they mean well--they sell it. Then you are left believing a conspiracy theory started by the powers that be and sold by the dumbest amongst us.
Off Topic: try getting a post graduate education in the health care field. The colleges are increasingly demanding that students not hold jobs. They no longer offer programs on weekends/evenings or clinicals at the end of the post graduate degree. You have to take the clinicals every or most terms. It's 2 programs I am aware of that nation wide you will be told that they don't want you to work while attending class. They offer their financing and then then Student loans. So the colleges aren't admitting that they are giving bad financial advice to students. They don't care. Biden will pay them. Meanwhile most college students are 20 years old with little to no credit history and that is why they are getting the horrible lending rates. None of these colleges are admitting that these students were perfectly capable of attending class online or evenings/weekends or attending clinicals at the end of their degree program but that the colleges themselves are mandating the students quit their jobs to attend.
One could probably argue that the legal framework was assembled to allow the corruption to essentially treat the USA as a corporate body and their stooges - BAR - members go along with the plan. 5th Gen Information War rules: there are no rules
You must also ask yourself what statutes and codes are in the constitution? None. Only the Bill of Rights and Amendments. So how is it I can be charged with a statute? It is because it is Roman Civil Law under the UCC. The Uniform Commercial Code. Commercial is the key word. This is what the Act of 1871 brought us into when it created DC. It created a virtual overlay of a federal jurisdiction over the Republic that was a Private Law contract we’ve been tricked into consenting to ever since Roosevelt in 1933 created Social Security. There is more truth to this than this article suggests.
Thanks for good research and reporting. I’m in your camp but keeping an open mind about it. I remember seeing some things back in 2020 that appeared to support some of these things but didn’t keep them. There are others that appear similarly credible to Dr Jan who are saying the same thing. It is these that are keeping the full narrative in the maybe-but-not-putting-a-stake-in-the-ground box. Thanks for sharing your links too. Always keeping in mind that DJT is the ultimate gamesman and while we are all watching what he says, so is the DS and my guess is a game without Red Herrings would be no game at all!
(15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States.
The American Bar Association is owned by the British Crown. Ask an attorney who owns the bar assn. and see what they say. I asked one lawyer and he said "it doesn't matter who owns the American Bar Association!".
Very good article. Cleared up some BS. People don’t like to read, only repeat!
I like to read. I like to think.
I like to feel. I like to know.
I like to do.
I to be.
I like to have.
Why do you think you have the answers. Were you there, do you have access to classified materials?
Stop codeming other when you have nothing but mockingbird media. Where is your resume to compare to Mr D. Johnson or Ms Halper-Hayes? YOU ARE THE DISTRACTION YOU ARE ONE WHO FAILS TO UNDERSTAND STFU
Well for one, I show the sauce so that helps answer things.
Two - there are some things I cannot answer, only speculate on. And I make that clear.
Three - obvi I don't have access to classified materials. Neither do many faces on social media. If they did, they wouldn't be sharing such info on social media or the news.
Four - "I have nothing but mockingbird media". Make that make sense for me.
Five - Your attack against me is that "I don't have a resume to compare"...? Clear logical fallacy, you don't want to look at the evidence apparently.
Good job showing your brilliance with this comment, Jo.
You got sauce? LOLOLOL
Well stated. Enjoy reading your work which, for me, is injecting a bit of sanity into the fringes of the Q/MAGA movement. I too got started with 'Ol Charlie but got tired of him babbling on about all his fantastical prognostications, none of which passed the smell test to me.
I really like your thought that the stuff on the U.S. Corporation and gold transport was injected as "clickbait" to grab the attention of the Drive Byes. They'll hold that up as an example of how crazy the movement is and potentially Red Pill anyone still following them as to the surveillance issues.
Thank you for doing this deep dive.
I was about to head down the rabbit hole again and then read this. I'll keep these notes in mind on my trip, but I am a student of history and the practicalities of life, so I want to understand more fully the 'how' the story actually was accomplished and the 'who' authorized and set it into motion. How long has the concept been percolating before the action was taken and things changed. Particularly where does Lincoln fit into this. Was he Illuminati all along. JFK was also supposed to be, but not all Illuminati players are in lock step. Family members down the road may have a different opinion than elders and break from the family. Hence, get eliminated. Consider Lincoln, Titanic, JFK, RFK, tbd JFK jr. eliminated. We did make it to the moon (thank you for acknowledging as I used to follow you in 2018 until that prob). Most likely there are space aliens, hopefully real story emerges. Glad to see you stop and question things now, no matter how the truth of things get disclosed to us. Better to wonder and ask, which is why I read your article. If nothing more, you've come a long way. Bravo!
We shall see what emerges in the comings days and weeks. Thank you for your work. I'll go back to my timeline research and start connecting my own dots. Feeling is a process.
I'm fairly like you, I don't trust what I can't touch. If it's any help I've heard rumors that the left has written a new constitution, totally illegal pretty recently. as I told a friend, maybe Trump does have the gold and maybe he doesn't. At this point we have to gamble. lol my next line to him was the homo army vs our army, I love the odds.
The US isn't a corporation, Washington DC is and it's easily provable. There are essentially two entities in this country, the United States Corporation, and the United States of America under the Constitution. When we get our SS number with our name in all caps it's called our STRAWMAN, and it integrates us into the corporation, but we can break free of it by filing a UCC1 and taking ownership of our own strawman. I recommend you read The Creature from Jekyll Island and "How I Clobbered every bureaucratic cash confiscatory agency known to man". It's available as a PDF, just search for it. And btw, I filed a UCC1 on my strawman and am no longer beholden to the US Corporation, nor to it's laws. I was stopped for having expired plates and also had no insurance, and after the officer checked me out he came back to the car and said "I'm sorry to bother you sir, have a nice day!" and he left. As to the planes of gold I don't trust Ward nor many others, but I do trust Trump, and when he says "We have it all" you can take that to the bank. Devolution is real, as many are going to be shocked to find out fairly soon.
What ID did you give the police to show you are national?
I imagine you could show them your filing papers and return docs, but I didn't, I just gave the cop my drivers license and when he checked the information was already in their database, so apparently it was changed when I filed. Now I just need to figure out how to get access to the 100 million I claimed in my Strawman account, but so far it's looking like it isn't all that easy to do.
What did you file?
Are you a state national per https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1101#a_21 ?
I'm not a state national in that respect, I am a Sovereign citizen under the Constitution of the State of Texas where I was born rather than being under the "legal" and financial ownership of the US Corporation.
To make that happen I filed a UCC1 (Uniform Commercial Code) reclaiming my Sovereignty from the US Corporation and by doing that I regained ownership of my Strawman.
This page may help you in that regard.
I can also provide a copy of my filing and how I did it. The original site I followed isn't online any longer but there are a few others that can also help to explain it and help in the process if you're so inclined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRnMHYtcSbg
I did it over ten years ago and there are a lot of other sources out there now that will explain the how and why of the process, but the background information from Jekyll Island and also from the Mary Croft ebook I mentioned earlier will set the stage to understand what it is and how it can be done.
This is also a good primer: https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2015/03/redemption-of-your-strawman-accoun/
I haven't watched this yet it looks like a good source of information as well:
Thanks for all the info/links.
I am State National after filing with US Sec. of State. I have US passport which hopefully has my status accurately recorded with it but there's nothing printed on the book/card that says this.
I am considering this UCC filing. Intriguing....
You're very welcome, and thank you also. I saw Anne Vandersteel talk about becoming a State National months ago but I never looked into it, so since it came back around I'm going to.
This approach is problematic for many reasons. Reminds me of Charles sprinkle.
What I know is it saved my keister when I was totally out of money and had no legit plates on my car nor any insurance, so to my mind that is proof enough and I see no downside, nor have I experienced any since. So how is it problematic when it removes us from the "legal" entity of the STRAWMAN? And who is Charles Sprinkle?
It would be nice, but I am skeptical of Trump. He pushed the Vax, which he must have known was a fraud. I did, since. Day One. He had "Lady" (man) Gaga at Mar-A-Lago, and that puts me off and questions his loyalty & morality. And much more, but the line has been crossed, and he'll have to prove it with Truth - something he seems remiss in telling. He lies out his ass...
Yeah, I know. Sometimes he's not as smart as he should be. He's an exceptional business man, but he got scammed by Fauchi big time and he needs to own that. If you remember in the beginning he was saying we should take Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, which are cheap remedies that were already proven to worked for SARs type viruses, but he got shut down by the media and Fauchi because Fauchi was working for Pfizer and told him the vax was safe and he believed it.
I've read the accusations regarding his morality early on too, but thus far I haven't seen anything BUT accusations. I do know his love of the country is real, and while I can't prove it I think he's truly with God now. The proof is in the pudding as they say, and the EOs he put into law when in office were all highly beneficial for us. There are also dozens of accounts out there of very good things he's done for others like paying off mortgages, etc, which to me show a very strong character.
And, he has the wherewithal to take down the Deep State, and literally nobody else who's running now does. He's known a lot of them for decades because of his wealth, and he and his father and brother were also fighting them for decades, so he knows their evil, and he is and was trying to put an end to it.
The original constitution from 1788 read: "Constitution FOR the United States." It was amended in 1871 to read: "Constitution OF the United States." Wording is everything. The latter turned the District of Columbia into the United States Corporation, run by foreign banking interests. You can find the original text of the Organic Act of 1871 at https://www.us.archive.org - in which, it goes into detail about making a "government" for the District of Columbia, thus turning it into a corporation. From there it was a short step to convince the sovereign citizens of America that those in DC had the power and authority to enforce laws outside its jurisdiction - which is false. Since 1871 those in DC have manipulated the sovereign citizens of America, taxing them to pay off the Corporation's debt (which private American citizens are not responsible for), and lying to us about what is and isn't allowed. If we reverted back to the original, organic Constitution, we would completely destroy the United States Corporation, and remove all power from the corrupt government. So getting back to your article, as it stands right now, American citizens are owned by the Corporation; we are not free or sovereign. But we can be if we do away with the current system. And President Trump is in the best position to do that. Agree or disagree, like it or don't; facts are facts.
See my comment below yours. The only thing I would nitpick on your comment is the use of the term citizen. The corporation uses this term to mean an agent of a foreign power (according to Jordan Maxwell). To them the term citizen means an employee from Britain, a subject of the King of England. I don't consider myself to be subject to anyone. I'm an American. When you declare that you are a citizen, which you must do to enter into employment in every state, you admit that you are an agent of a foreign power...Britain.
You point out some key differences and facts, which I appreciate. However, I would also argue that when we use citizen in conjunction with “sovereign” it denotes a free citizen, a person not subject to anyone’s rule nor viewed or recognized as a foreign agent. If “citizen” was used by itself, then I can see where the problem and danger lies. I’m Native American (I know I don’t look it), but I’m first and foremost an American - that is who and what I am; we agree on that. And that is what the Corporation is most afraid of: that we rally together and call ourselves Americans, and denounce their ownership of us.
read my pinned post at my X profile
Controlled opposition. Only the dumbest amongst us believe it wholeheartedly and they mean well--they sell it. Then you are left believing a conspiracy theory started by the powers that be and sold by the dumbest amongst us.
Off Topic: try getting a post graduate education in the health care field. The colleges are increasingly demanding that students not hold jobs. They no longer offer programs on weekends/evenings or clinicals at the end of the post graduate degree. You have to take the clinicals every or most terms. It's 2 programs I am aware of that nation wide you will be told that they don't want you to work while attending class. They offer their financing and then then Student loans. So the colleges aren't admitting that they are giving bad financial advice to students. They don't care. Biden will pay them. Meanwhile most college students are 20 years old with little to no credit history and that is why they are getting the horrible lending rates. None of these colleges are admitting that these students were perfectly capable of attending class online or evenings/weekends or attending clinicals at the end of their degree program but that the colleges themselves are mandating the students quit their jobs to attend.
One could probably argue that the legal framework was assembled to allow the corruption to essentially treat the USA as a corporate body and their stooges - BAR - members go along with the plan. 5th Gen Information War rules: there are no rules
You must also ask yourself what statutes and codes are in the constitution? None. Only the Bill of Rights and Amendments. So how is it I can be charged with a statute? It is because it is Roman Civil Law under the UCC. The Uniform Commercial Code. Commercial is the key word. This is what the Act of 1871 brought us into when it created DC. It created a virtual overlay of a federal jurisdiction over the Republic that was a Private Law contract we’ve been tricked into consenting to ever since Roosevelt in 1933 created Social Security. There is more truth to this than this article suggests.
Thank you Jordan. I always look forward to your take on things.
Thanks for good research and reporting. I’m in your camp but keeping an open mind about it. I remember seeing some things back in 2020 that appeared to support some of these things but didn’t keep them. There are others that appear similarly credible to Dr Jan who are saying the same thing. It is these that are keeping the full narrative in the maybe-but-not-putting-a-stake-in-the-ground box. Thanks for sharing your links too. Always keeping in mind that DJT is the ultimate gamesman and while we are all watching what he says, so is the DS and my guess is a game without Red Herrings would be no game at all!
Thank you!
The corporation thing is real. Look here
I even looked up the material online and it checks out.
United States
(15) “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States.
Think of the impact of the disinformation on our enemies. They might be just a tad confused or concerned about losing the gold.
The American Bar Association is owned by the British Crown. Ask an attorney who owns the bar assn. and see what they say. I asked one lawyer and he said "it doesn't matter who owns the American Bar Association!".