Jan 22, 2023Liked by Jordan Sather

I don't think you actually realize how important these fake "truther" articles are, Jordan. Pretty sure you wake up hundreds, perhaps thousands, of captured Normies with each one. Thank you.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Jordan Sather

New subscriber! Longtime listener. You have been through so much B.S.

Glad a friend said watch this.

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Keep it up Jordan, and “Keep the Faith”. Psy-Ops runs rampant. BTW; Anti-China ops are virulent; Taiwan is up and coming to be ignited as next NATO-U.S. proxy war as was Ukraine vs Russia. Eyes on MI6 Falung Gong affiliate Epoch Times and Steve Bannon in particular. “Breaking Free of Anti-China Psyops” CanadianPatriot.org

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I can agree with all of this. I’m familiar with each name as I traveled down their road of secret intel and forgiven debt. For the most part it’s a quick journey for most, I’m now at Badlands Media (I see you there) and now I’m hearing factual and live spit balling. I really think the creation of Badlands is a wise move. So much content there, no need to go elsewhere except Truth and Twitter. You should get Badlands Media on Twitter and host a space. That would be such a party!! Thanks for your insight. It’s respected and appreciated.

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Thanks Jordan. It amazes me to see Charlie Ward and Scott McKay on the Reawaken America tour. Also the new George magazine had Scott and Charlie featured in it. I can’t believe you left Phil off but maybe it’s because he isn’t part of that “team”. Keep up the good work.

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Phil's Ego will be but-hurt he's not been featured, imo he a different type of grifter not selling hopium as much, but more into $£€ and his silver MLM ponzi schemes.....he's all about the Benjamins

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Thanks for posting this for people who need it.

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Excellent as always, and I share!

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Thank You Jordan, Good Work!

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Thanks Jordan! I appreciate the work in calling all these clowns out! 👊🏻

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Thanks Jordan. You do your due diligence and hopefully it helps others as it has me. This movement is one of crucial importance and many will be thrown in to stop it and make us look stupid.

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Great Article and on point!

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I am sitting back watching this "show" being performed by so-called "anons" 🙄 When they find out who Q really is they will be ashamed of themselves. I'm seeing the influencers posting sly remarks all over "truth" social. In the end God wins this 'silent' holy war of good vs evil.

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Thank you so much, Jordan, for taking all that crap on our behalf. Keep it up. I know I am not alone in having received a hand up through your Clickbait of the Week shows after wading through those clowns and their garbage. You’re a Godsend on a mission! We see you.

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Word, Jordan.

Why I have followed you since I found you in 2017 (I think?) - I sense your commitment to The TRUTH. That is what matters, nothing else!

I OCCASIONALLY cause your skivvies to squeeze your balls (sometimes, when I call out your "misappropriations", and you know you hate that). But in the end, you're about the truth. So bunch up, pecker up, and let's show the Caballero's what the TRUTH truly is!!!


The Light Warrior

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Thank you

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Awhile ago I started buying into some of the stuff these people who claim have the inside scoop were pushing, namely Nesara, but as I did some research on this nothing was to be found. So glad you are looking out for us Jordan and for up and coming con artists as these 'degenerates' are becoming old news thanks to you...

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