Nice podcast Jordan...I feel it’s important to add that just because a patent is approved doesn’t mean whatever is being patented actually works. In this case however, I think we will learn much more about this in the near future.

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Star Trek is a documentary.....

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U S patent done before China could steal and then patent it so we have to pay them royalties for something we developed but neglected to patent first.

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Enjoyed it. Quite revealing.

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Thank you for responding to my question Jordan!

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The idea that the public can't handle the reality of UFOs leaves me cold. No one ever got lied to for their own good. The lies always benefit the liars. The public good argument for non-disclosure gives me a feeling similar to stepping in dog shit. While we aren't telling the public about UFOs, we also aren't telling them about aluminum toxicity and how they are being sprayed with aluminum and how they are being poisoned through big pharma and global food corporations...but they couldn't handle that info anyway, right? It's such a snooty cynical better than you attitude coming from a shit-hole place, that I don't need to hear it reiterated from a military or FBI legacy like yourself, and if you have any more unexamined attitudes that are inherited from an elitist mentality, we should probably root those out, too, while we're at it.

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Well, I have been studying the electromagnetic field as a side of the quantum physics field since 2020, and wanted to share a website that I had found for people to investigate if they work for you or not, as I have had some good results with some of these frequencies, but then also saw that there's bad actors now interfering with the science of 432hz, and posting frequencies as if they heal, but are not healing, like 528hz! Most of the videos prior to 2018 seem to be ok, but if people don't understand, they will be mislead about the actual potential of the vibrational healing that is available! There's so much tech that has been being hidden for so long...



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Global paradigm shifts has one avail that's deduced will be a game changer, and that's people's volition? Entrancing brown study Jordan.

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