Are Manchurian candidates real? I had a friend who was deployed to the gulf, but saw no action. When they came back and had their mandatory physical, the military doctor asked them to participate in a study: binaural beats. The idea was alleged that this would heal people with brain injuries from explosions. My friend was excited because I am interested in all things holistic health. I was horrified. Binaural beats are available online for free, as I told my friend, who had no interest in this subject, even to this day. Once a researcher puts something in your ear that by it's very nature is something you can't hear...what is it telling you? This was chilling and stuck with me. Our country is being attacked, and they are trying to start a war. This has nothing to do with someone being upset by or going crazy by stupid strange lights in the sky. They asked you to believe a building fell down due to an airplane, and we all have seen fires. We all know what a demolition looks like. Wise eyes knew we were at war before the second airplane hit. Do not be deceived by stupid quackery and lies. This is designed to start a war and blame China. If it were so, why do the idiots at the Pentagon pretend to be completely incompetent and dare I say impotent, when they are the ones begging congress and the American people to let them declare war? I for one would much rather believe the Pentagon and the CIA are evil satanic people, than to believe all over the world thousands of people suddenly became homicidal maniacs for no damn reason. Occams razor...it is much more likely that the Pentago and the CIA are homicidal maniacs than that so many people just casually became cold blooded killers for no damn reason. Keep your fate in God and in humanity and have the courage to see through the lies.

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Excellent observations and questions. 🙏🏼

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This narrative (operation) has a fishy taint to it.

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I just finished watching that. The list of questions just keeps getting longer . . . .

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Of course Shawn Ryan knows what antigravitics are. He never had to look up anything on that---he has had Dr. Greer on more than once.

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That is one tough truck to bad it’s an EV

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You might want to delete this hack job article Jordan. As Matt's best friend in high school, who also enlisted with him and did a tour in Kandahar with him in 2012, I remember vividly when he bought his 2006 black V6 mustang. I even have pictures of him standing beside it and sitting inside. We use to make fun of him (tease him) for getting the V6 and not the V8.

Your lies in this article, along with my proof that you did no research whatsoever on the mustang, show YOU are the spreader of disinformation, not the others. I have successfully contacted a couple people that are willing to publicly do an article on your blatant and cluless lies about Matt. I will be the source that makes you look like a bitch and NOONE will give you credibility going forward.

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Shawn Ryan does a good job. I appreciate his bravery, values, and dedication to getting the truth out there.

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you left out the most stupendous claim of all that it might not have been the right body in the car and the bomber might still be alive. It would make a good movie!

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