Jordan, looking forward to your health conscious show on Badlands.

Some perspective from public education. I have taught high school biology for decades. Curriculum changes in late 2010s took almost all human biology out of the course and began hoisting the climate change agenda full hog. We went from teaching a full semester of human biological systems in detail to two weeks of an overview.

My advanced placement students (fed from this standard biology course) were expected to have understanding of all systems (they did not) and again these future “doctors” left high school without a full curriculum of human biological knowledge. What does a spleen do??

These planned curriculum changes hurt all students. We created human anatomy and physiology classes to fill the gap but these are not “mandated” so the reach became limited.

These changes as well as the Big Mike food plan for students were solidly backed by federal funds. Federal funding often driving decision making in public education.

Supplement your child’s education. Move to schools where the curriculum reflects your desires for your child’s education. Get the government out of education.

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Parents may have to get more involved-- themselves, with research, and with their kids, too.

We should ALL get more educated! Look what happens when we trust govt and the medical industrial complex. :(

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Great article, Jordan. I just don’t understand RFK Jr.’s concern for children’s health and yet take a completely opposite stance for the most vulnerable “children”….

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Sorry Jordan, but I worked for years against the aut:sm-causing children's vaxxines and I believed RFK Jr when he told us how together we could stop the poisoning of our children.

But that never happened.

What did happen is that in the years that RFK Jr has been presented to us as 'The Champion Of Anti-Vaxx' the number of children's vaxxines has almost TRIPLED.

And RFK Jr talks about how sick and sickly American children are with a list of causes and reasons, except the childrens vaxxine protocols.

Sadly Jordan, I lost faith in RFK Jr years ago.

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Yeah, it's not the same thing, but he wasn't the best person to attack big pharma as an admitted (recovered?) drug addict himself.

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Did you think RFK could shut down Big Pharma and the Vaccine Industry by himself?

Not likely.

I don't know if he's a Good Guy or not, not for sure, but I lean toward "maybe so." He HAS been fighting the Nasties that are in the Vaccine Industry for a long time. But he's just an attorney, he has no power to change policy... It's like going up against a vastly wealthy, heavily entrenched MAFIA... the Medical Industrial Complex... And it IS. It's going to take a LOT of muscle to take them down.

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Denis Rancourt on X:

My critique of the Kennedy promise to save American children

👉I don't think Trump or Kennedy or anyone can make American children healthy by removing toxic pesticides, toxic junk food, and dangerous pharmaceuticals, for these reasons:

1. The forces that run agri-food and pharma occupy and merge with all the institutions (gov, military, finance, gov agencies, education, professions, propaganda...)

2. There is virtually no structural capacity for nation-wide alternatives in the USA, such as industries of healthy food, non-toxic health care, etc

3. Individual children and parents are biologically dependent on (addicted to) the high-sugar, high-gluten, high-salt, high-caffeine... intakes of designer foods

4. Food producers have financial contractual obligations towards high-yield low-cost production methods, using chemical fertilizers and herbicides/pesticides

5. Most importantly, the factors being targeted are SECONDARY or ancillary determinants of health. The first determinant is stress from changing and low social status (life-changing or destabilizing events affecting those living in poverty in low social status), known as dominance-hierarchy biological stress.

In other words, healthy children in sick families, in a sick society, is an absurdity.

👉There is no way that child health can be measurably improved in 4 or 8 years, by executive-branch policy changes, as suggested by Kennedy.

👉Corruption and societal stupidity and viciousness have taken many decades to deeply install themselves into USA society and institutions. This cannot be reversed by electing a new executive crew.

👉It would need to be a project of the Deep State itself to fix itself and its base, and there is probably not a critical mass of so-inclined or sufficiently competent agents within the Deep State, at this stage. (These typically emerge during a major war or existential threat.)


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Excellent post, Jordan. I'm sure RFKJR means well, but he could be dangerous if used as a puppet. More of the same they have already been doing: "X is bad for the environment, so we will ban it forever." I'll give an example:

I am aware that a certain DMV based (DC/MD/VA) non-profit is promoting an unleaded aircraft fuel - using doctored statistics. Can't say how I know that the numbers they are giving the public are false. But imagine if pilots everywhere stopped using leaded gasoline (needed by their engine to prevent detonation) and instead used an unproved and unsafe fuel?

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I imagine a Space on X/Twitter chat between RFK Jr. and Trump talking about the CIA's connection to the Drug Trust and whether this has anything to do with secret societies.

Would they break the internet?

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They CREATED the Internet (the CIA).

And the Globalistas have their OWN internet.

The CIA runs the US, under the auspices of the "Black Nobility."

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

We agree to a certain extent, but who/what runs the CIA as such?

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Wouldn't we both like to know? :)

Who runs the Deep State? It's a good question!

I suspect there are Globalist "Black Nobility" heavily involved... Are you familiar with this term/group?

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

I imagine Trump and RFK talking about the Krill papers in a space in X.

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Waaaaaay beyond those guys. These are the people hiding behind the curtain, the .001% that own more than 90% of the wealth of the entire planet. Those people, who are not entirely unknown, but tend to not want their names "out there," in case WE the Peeps decide to take them out...

A really good place to look into this bunch is the SS page of Frances Leader, called "Uncensored." She's a terrific resource on a LOT of things, but you can scroll through her posts and look for "Black Nobility" and find a lot of really interesting stuff...

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What a God Send!

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Nobody who supports the Satanic slaughter of innocent children in Gaza is “doing God’s work” (unless your God is Satan). God is testing you right now. Your choice will determine your fate. Will you cover your eyes to pure evil in the hopes that your “savior” will “save” you?

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Jordan Sather,

Why was my comment deleted?

What happened to free speech?

You are no different than the tyrants you PRETEND to oppose.

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