Spy Balloons and "Unidentified" Objects Shot Down, What In The Psy-Op Is Going On?
Are they going to blame China or muh aliens? Either way - they sure want you focused on it.
It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s a... big distraction in the sky!
Whatever it is, the drama over the past couple of weeks with Chinese spy balloons and supposed “unidentified objects” being shot down is garnering more questions than answers. Every day we’re learning a new piece to the puzzle, except the problem is these pieces don’t seem to fit anywhere and are only making things more puzzling.
What is this all leading up to? Is all this some mega power play by China? Are these Deep State false flags designed for some reason or another? Is the aLiEnS card finally being pulled? Is this simply a kabuki theater distraction with (literal) shiny objects designed to divert our attention away from other news stories exposing the Deep State?
Or could it be D) all of the above?
Let’s analyze:
China Spy Balloon shot down, Western made parts?
It all started with the China Spy Balloon spotted over Northern Montana last week. After Biden let it traverse across the country, he decided to give the order to shoot it down once it was over the Atlantic Ocean. Thanks for letting it fly over all those states letting it possibly collect all kinds of electronic signals and surveillance data, Mr. President!
He could have easily shot it down when it was over Northern Montana, ain’t nothing out there but.. nothing. I’ve been there. One of the least populated areas of the contiguous 48 states.
At least we got an entertaining video of Carolina rednecks watching it get blown out of the air by a Sidewinder missile.
A few days after the balloon was shot down and it’s contents retrieved by Navy divers in the Atlantic, a report surfaced from FoxNews stating that the balloon had English writing on it and that some of it’s parts were Western made, possibly from a company with ties to the Chinese government.
Speculation here, but this leads me to believe that DJI may have produced some of the parts used on this balloon. DJI is a drone manufacturer based in Shenzhen China, they make some of the most popular consumer drones used by hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S., owning 54% of the drone market. I think it’s quite possible this company is tied to the CCP and made some parts that ended up on this balloon.
Then only days after the China Spy Balloons drama, we get our first “UFO” incident:
The first “unidentified” object shot down
So much has been happening in our skies that I can’t believe this story came out only yesterday.
The Pentagon announced that an “unidentified object” was shot down as it entered Alaskan airspace over the northern coast of Alaska (toward the North Pole).

The clickbait mainstream media wasted no time in calling this a “UFO”.
Now by technical definition, it was an “unidentified flying object”, but the point to make here is that this does not mean muh aliens or extraterrestrials. “UFO” is simply a somewhat vague, umbrella term meaning anything in the sky that is not identified.
The UFO terminology has been so over-used that the baggage that comes with it in people’s minds when they see the acronym is “aliens!”
Although I do find it curious that the media, and even our government, is not downplaying the “alien” angle, it’s almost as if they want us to think that it could be something otherworldly by omission of detail. Could it have been another Chinese balloon or a Chinese drone shot down? Sure.
Heck, maybe NOTHING was shot down at all, and this is simply a faked story designed to make Biden look like a tough, badass president who won’t let anything over our airspace again after the balloon debacle last week. Speculations are a-flying with this story and the lack of details we are getting from authorities is not helping.
The vague reports we are getting from the fake news media aren’t helping either, such as this CNN report that they released this morning.

“No identifiable propulsion systems” - again, it’s almost like they WANT us to be thinking of aliens with these stories, and their vagueness could be on purpose to lead our minds that way.
I tell you what - I wouldn't be shocked if these "unidentified objects" being shot down are some sort of military industrial complex black project drones that they're trying to blame on China or even muh aliens. Again, if anything was shot down at all.
And then later this morning:
A second “unidentified” object shot down
Justin Trudeau made this tweet below, stating that Canada had their own “UFO” shoot down incident today.
F-22 fighter pilots have been busy this week.

I’ll make this point again: it’s almost like Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau are pulling some PR moves with these “shoot downs” to make it look like they are big strong leaders standing up to Chinese influence, meanwhile they're actually weak clowns completely owned by the CCP. They could be shooting nothing down, but running these stories to look like protective badasses.
Again, we have no real clue what’s going on, so we can only run on educated guesses and possibilities here.
Now as I’m writing this article, we get another development in our skies:
Something in the sky over Montana
This evening the U.S. government closed the airspace over Northern Montana with a Temporary Flight Restriction. Reason given, “national defense airspace”.
Montanan politicians, including their Senator and a Representative, stated that there is “an object” in the sky over Montana and that’s why the government closed the airspace, because “the object could interfere with commercial air traffic”.
Update about this situation from NORAD made just a few minutes after I hit “publish” on this article:
NORAD released a statement stating they "detected a radar anomaly [over Montana] and sent fighter aircraft to investigate. Those aircraft did not identify any object to correlate to the radar hits. NORAD will continue to monitor the situation”.
But wait - the statement from Montana’s Senator stated it WAS an “object”, not just a radar anomaly. More conflicting statements giving more questions than answers…
I think they keyword for this article is SUPPOSEDLY.
SUPPOSEDLY something was shot down over Alaska.
SUPPOSEDLY Trudeau ordered something shot down over Canadian airspace.
SUPPOSEDLY there is something over Montana right now.
Remember: question everything until damn good evidence is given for you to believe whatever claim is being given.
What’s going on?
If all these "unidentified objects" and whatevers-in-the-sky really is a nothing burger false flag kabuki theater meant to divert our attention - what could they be trying to distract us from?
Here's a few things:
- Pfizer exposed for "directed evolution" research
- Fmr Twitter execs laid out for election interference
- Biden's classified document scandal
- Biden exposed for ordering the Nordstream pipeline blown up
- Hollywood Satanism on full display at the Grammys
- More Epstein documents to be dropped soon
- U.S. funded biolabs in Ukraine
I mean, there’s so much going on exposing the Deep State right now that it’s reasonable to conclude that they’d want a distraction for American from it all.
Another angle is the PR move I’ve mentioned a few times. Whether something was actually shot down or not, Biden and Trudeau want to make it look like they aren’t China’s bitch.
So here the MSM is giving us loads of fear porn to let us think “Aliens!” or “China!”.
I say, let’s keep our eyes on the ball. Frankly, I don’t think the “fake alien invasion!” move is happening. My research into that topic tells me that’s more conspiracy clickbait fear porn than anything. “Operation Blue Beam” was never proven to be a real government project, the claim originated from a Canadian author’s book in the 1990s and spread like wildfire in internet conspiracy circles since then.
I think what we’re seeing are massive distraction moves being played out over weeks, and maybe more weeks to come, simply to divert people’s attention and make our pansy, compromised leaders look like big tough guys.
In the meantime, stay frosty friends.
Deep State desperation is always a good thing.
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Exactly my thoughts today! It’s getting much easier to connect some “blaring dots”!
Yes Jordan! Just like the George C button.
“It’s one big club”
It’s one big distraction. Don’t fall for it.