Well said. For our edification, as a Catholic Christian perspective in relation to our progress into deeper union with Christ through an INTERIOR LIFE of prayer, meditation, and mortification, there are three stages (or “ages”) of the interior life: PURGATION, ILLUMINATION, and TRANSFORMING UNION. There is a conversion (change) of soul that takes place before each stage: INITIAL CONVERSION (deciding to follow Jesus, into Purgation), the DARK NIGHT OF THE SENSES (leading into Illumination), and the DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL leading into Transforming union.

The Disciples left all to follow Jesus (Purgation).

The Disciples went through the Passion of Christ as a severe time of Illumination concerning what it meant to continue to follow Christ with new understanding. This stage started when Jesus came to them on the evening of His resurrection, during the 40 days when he met with them to teach them about the Kingdom of God, and lasted until the Ascension. (This represents a withdrawal of Christ’s physical presence with them, thus the Dark night of the Senses.)

The Disciples then prayed alone for 9 days and 10 nights, awaiting the promise of the Coming of the Holy Spirit upon them, but realizing that Jesus was not to be physically present to them again. This is the Dark Night of the Soul, before the Transforming Union on the day of Pentecost. Then their wills were completely conformed to the will of God, that is to say, they loved Him perfectly.

These “Dark Nights” can be very disconcerting and discouraging. Remember, WHAT WE SEE AS DARKNESS, GOD SEES AS A BLINDING LIGHT! He is never closer to us than during a “Dark Night!” Do not loose heart! NCSWIC!

I invite you each, in your own interior life, to meditate on the pilgrimage of the Apostles through these three stages. It will help you find yourself and be encouraged during your own Dark Night.

Deacon Bob

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There is much truth in this article, but I would caution that there is no 'collective' that experiences these pains - the 'collective' is an abstraction, a shorthand way of describing our experiences. Our Individual Experiences. Only 'I' experiences pain - and indeed, redemption. What is happening in the Great Awakening is that vast numbers of us are going through this Awakening together - whereas historically - those numbers were few. I see this period really as the end of the childhood of our species. We are just beginning to emerge into the 'adolescent' stage - and yes, those teen years can be hellish. But the early mature stage we are entering will be heaven on earth compared to what has gone before - but we go into this one at a time. And we will leave no-one behind. WWG1WWA.

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You can find a .pdf of “THE THREE WAYS OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE” (by Father Garrigou-LaGrange) on the internet. He gives a detailed description of each conversion and each stage. You WILL find yourself in this book!

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Excellent! X22 calls it the "Precipice". Where the pain of the negative experience, whatever it is, finally overcomes the pain of recognition of the problem, the solution, and having to make the necessary changes. Given that this is happening on a global scale, it is certainly an inflection point in all of history.

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Very timely for me, good job JS

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It’s stuff like this, As to why you have stuck by my side these past four years. Just keep, keeping it real Jordan dawg. Nicely done article.

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T H A N K Y O U - - You're O N I T !

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Thank you for this. You’ve put into words very eloquently what I’m feeling right now.

Just one comment: the phrase”as above, so below” is satanic in its origin. Ralph Epperson discusses it in his book “The New World Order”.

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Thanks Jordan. Very well written.

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Thank you Jordan. This helps put words to the incessant despair mixed with glimpses of hope. Crazy feeling.

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