Great overview Jordan

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Out of nowhere, the governor of Pennsylvania is being floated as VP. Strange that the would-be assassination was in his state. Remember how Kennedy fired Dulles, but Dulles was on the Warren commission and got an airport names after him, and everything. This is sounding eerily familiar. No one goes to jail. The public is kept in the dark. And is it the habit of the deep state to promote anyone who helps with an assassination?

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"May God have mercy on us, and bless us: may He cause the light of His countenance to shine upon us, and may He have mercy on us. That we may know Thy way upon earth: Thy salvation in all nations. Let people confess to Thee, O God: let all people give praise to Thee. Let the nations be glad and rejoice: for Thou judgest the people with justice, and directest the nations upon earth. Let the people, O God, confess to Thee: let all the people give praise to Thee: the earth hath yielded her fruit. May God, our God bless us, may God bless us: and all the ends of the earth fear Him."

Psalm 66


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This is an excellent big picture analysis. I was pondering the "believability" of the candidate to win. I think Biden just tipped so far into farce territory that it became impossible to keep him propped up as really winning this time. These election charades keep large portions of the population discouraged and fighting among themselves, naively believing that some large number of people out there were stupid enough to vote for some hated candidate. Really it's all perception management. In my mind though Kamala should be a shoo in choice simply for the box checking: she's black and female. Biden did so poorly that she has an incredibly low bar to clear. Could they rig her in and would large numbers of people believe the outcome? Time will tell...

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It also sounds impossible for people in our government to be taken seriously by other countries. They all know Joe Biden is weak. So let's say Obama is paid off by China, but in his narcissism, thinks he can negotiate with them, and they just laugh in his face and tell him that they can expose him at any minute. And Obama doesn't get the big paycheck he thinks he's entitled to. You have to wonder what's going on behind the scenes.

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Yup; and if the handlers decide to name Michelle O as vice, there's a two-fer. Doesn't even matter whether the reality is Michelle or Michael, perception is everything

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Everything is a psy op.

Except you, Jordan. :)

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Kamala is a full-fledged psychopath, so she'll probably be the next POTUS.

As for Biden, his "illness" is anything but recent. You KNOW they'll off him, he's a liability. Dementia means all bets are off, especially with something like "keeping State secrets." Paris, huh? I'm surprised he isn't "vacationing" in Israel...

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I'm a much better person after understanding devolution and continuity of government and the law of war manual components!!! I knew none of that before Trump! Knowledge is power! Thanqs!!

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After watching the RNC convention and then watching the 2002 movie Sum Of All Fears.... I'm just thinking this isn't a coincidence.

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There are no coincidences in politics.

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Just a head's up Jordan 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.

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🫏 🤡

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'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.

Look it up Bob.

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These are not one and the same. People like you that think you know everything are the ones who start the problems in the world. Telling people to look things up that you have mistranslated and misunderstood does not help anybody. All it does is create more confusion, lies and bears false witness…the sin of bearing false witness is identified as the 9th Commandment. This commandment prohibits lying, spreading false reports, and giving false testimony against others. It emphasizes the importance of honesty.

Maga + church of satan

The terms “MAGA” (Make America Great Again) and “Church of Satan” may seem unrelated at first glance. However, a closer examination reveals some interesting parallels and contrasts.

Shared themes:

Rejection of mainstream values: Both MAGA and the Church of Satan can be seen as countercultural movements that reject mainstream values and norms. MAGA’s emphasis on nationalism and traditional values is often seen as a reaction against liberal or progressive ideologies, while the Church of Satan’s rejection of traditional religious beliefs and moral codes is a fundamental aspect of its philosophy.

Focus on individualism: Both movements prioritize individual freedom and autonomy. MAGA’s emphasis on “America First” and “Make America Great Again” can be seen as a call to individual Americans to take control of their own destiny, while the Church of Satan’s philosophy of “do what thou wilt” (as expressed in Aleister Crowley’s The Book of the Law) emphasizes individual freedom and self-expression.

Contrasting views:

Morality: The Church of Satan rejects traditional moral codes and instead advocates for a pragmatic, situational ethics. In contrast, MAGA’s supporters often emphasize the importance of traditional moral values, such as patriotism, family, and hard work.

Purpose: The Church of Satan’s primary goal is to promote individual freedom and self-expression, often through the rejection of mainstream religious and cultural norms. MAGA, on the other hand, aims to restore America’s perceived greatness through political and economic means, often emphasizing national security, economic growth, and social conservatism.

Tone: The Church of Satan is often associated with a more irreverent, provocative, and subversive tone, while MAGA is often characterized by a more patriotic and assertive tone.

In conclusion:

While both MAGA and the Church of Satan can be seen as countercultural movements that reject mainstream values, they differ significantly in their moral and philosophical outlooks. The Church of Satan’s focus on individual freedom and self-expression is more radical and subversive, whereas MAGA’s emphasis on traditional values and national greatness is more conservative and assertive.

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PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE LAST SENTENCE…MAGA (Make America Great Again), a political slogan popularized by Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, has been associated with conservative and nationalist ideologies. While MAGA is not inherently connected to Satanism, some individuals have attempted to merge the two concepts.

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Bob, 'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan and has been alot longer than Trump's political campaign slogan.

So just imagine Bob, Trump making his entrance to 'Sympathy For The Devil' by the Rolling Stones and all those clueless people are chanting "MAGA, MAGA, MAGA" it is fealty and devotion to the Lord of Darkness.

Look it up Bob.

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I looked it up and just outlined everything you misunderstood and mistranslated about the MAGA movement and you completely ignored what I had to say and then blasted the same crap and the same words. “Look it up Bob”. You don’t belong on social media. You have broken the ninth commandment. Goodbye 👋

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No Bob, I posted DPF, Demonstrable Public Fact.

'MAGA' is the highest rank in the Church of Satan.

Demonstrable Public Fact Bob.

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When thy start playing classical music on all the radio stations we will know that Biden is dead!

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He's probably dead right now.

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I wouldn’t mind seeing Hillary Killary the butcher of Benghazi a 3 time loser.

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