Free energy goes back to the early modern period. I recently came across a manual of free energy devices that is 2600 pages long. It's all in the patent record. Tesla patented many of these in the early 1900s. One of them is just a 50 ft long copper wire attached to a capacitor and a metal plate. Simply raising the other end of the wire at an angle creates a charge. There is a conspiracy theory that the civil engineering of hydro-electric in the early 1900s is actually nothing more than free-draw tech. In 1902, they ran a copper wire hundreds of miles to a power plant on the Carquinez Straight from the mountains. Basically the theory is that the power plant is a giant capacitor and it's a free draw system. Here's that manual: https://archive.org/details/APracticalGuideToFreeEnergyDevices/page/n40/mode/1up?view=theater We really have not made technical progress since the 1890s. We need to pick up where the 1890s left off.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

Talk to Jordan Peterson (#1 public intellectual in the world?) about getting this info out there. And Joe Rogan. . . . For the truth on the spacecraft scene, try Kab [@Kabamur_Taygeta] on Twitter / X.

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