Let's keep it real about what the press says we know about Mr. Jack Teixeira.

-He grew up in a military family. Father retired. Mother worked for military related organizations. He would have been well aware that this was unacceptable.

-There is nothing sensational about him being on invitation only websites.

-Lots of military members like video games and many of those video games have violent sounding names. They also watch scary movies. None of this is different from what American civilian young men do at this age.

- I hate to break it to the prudes in the media, but military members (especially at that age) do engage in humor that could be labeled by a prude as crude. It's not just the men. Women engage in just as many jokes. Yes, I know this from personal experience as a female veteran who hung out with males and females.

-His friends online may have been other military members or other military brats. If so, all of these people should have turned him in. Why didn't they? Obviously there is no guarantee his online community were other military members or the kids of military members---but these are the people who would have been his direct peer group. It's a point the media misses everytime. During the Japan earthquake Fukujima most of the press forgot about the American military members stationed there. So I doubt they have the temerity to ask if his friends were military or related to the military and if so why they did not report him. They would also need to be arrested and detained. Yep, it works that way in the military. I can't speak for Congress where apparently anything goes in regards to Top Secret info.

-Young military members talking about guns is not an issue. Stick around and you will hear them talk about how to make beds, do push ups and how to iron uniforms. By the way, if military members are not allowed to talk about guns without being assumed violent, then the rest of you better understand that goes double for anyone who isn't military---including the cops who arrested him.

-Most people with his background would feel guilt about sharing classified material and try to hide. We are supposed to believe he threw a fit because no listened to him according to unnamed reports.

-After being told how he must be a gun toting mass murderer in the making, they tell us that he is a Christian and anti-war. SO WHICH IS IT? Obviously, people haven't read the Bible either.

-Military members often live with each other in shared dorm rooms or they will split the rent on a small house. We have yet to learn if any of his friends had his key, and if any of them had his log-ons. We have yet to hear if it was possible he was hacked.

-In the unlikely event he worked alone it's ok. He can always use the James Comey/ Hillary Clinton defense. If Commanders in Chief of the US military and Wanna-be Commanders in Chief of the US military set a bad example then this will come back to haunt us. Every American needs to ask for Hillary to be arrested just like this young man was. Anything else is partisan politics.

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if we dont know about it... did it ever happen? like the dairy cow splosion just one of 5 or so per day of food production disasters... or the 3 or so per day train mishaps. is my dreamworld changing to daymare. last plane out goes where? when?

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Okay, why? I can understand Truth Social but the rest?

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