I saw the Grusch and Tucker interview. I think David Grusch is yes, the governments transition from soft to medium disclosure. He acts kind of goofy though. I didnt think he said anything you and I would not already know. The scariness, for Tucker, or any Chrisitan, is due to the fact that UFOs were also coming in ancient times and have everything to do with how our religions were formed. The govt. and mil. cant say it outright, but DG actually briefly mentions or alluded to the origins.. It means that all religions and Christianity most of all, revolve around human ETs meeting with characters in the Bible coming in UFOs. Talmud Jmmanuel. We Came From The Stars, And Then From Mars. Beam of Light. Gods Timeline. You pull one real UFO thread, and all of of history unravels. All gods and angels in all holy books were human extraterrestrials. Thats it. What is more shocking than waking up from learning and then realizing that the religion you grew up with is a lie, a farce, and a UFO cover up, all in one? The history of Earth humans doesnt go back thousands of years. It goes back hundreds of thousands of years. The history of HUMAN aliens goes back millions, billions and trillions of years.

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To say nothing of the weird paintings in medieval Europe. It was a death penalty offense to be sacrilegious so who could paint weird things in the sky above Jesus and not get put to death. Weird. The problem is that Tucker can not align himself with every other misfit or he will be a basically a victim of controlled opposition.

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Hey, you got so many nice things posted on your Rumble. You could publish that contact here is an audio file like Cliff he does. Just saying… conspiracy analytical is pretty spiffy.

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Hey Jordan, can you tell us where you get your news these days? I'm done with Fox news. First they made it so when you clicked on one story it would take you to a different one to improve their algorithms. Then they started in with these BS click baity titles rather than writing professional headlines to bait you to click on something. They even change the clickbait title to use the same story several days in the row. I don't know why it's suddenly a daily news event to talk about game shows. Remember when it used to be maybe once a year that a game show rose to headline material? Not to mention the Fox writers suck. I literally started reading one article a few months ago that started off talking about dogs and halfway down it transitioned into a story about snakes for no reason at all. Now they are forcing you to create an account to read free content, but you don't need a login to comment. I literally only go there for the headlines, and then I click out of their to research on other sights if there headline looked like anything I actually need to read. If this is the best performing news agency out there, then yikes.

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