Welcome to 2023 Where Exercising and Sports Are RACIST
Hitting the gym more for your New Years resolution? Your white privilege is showing.
I’m old enough to remember when the only races that mattered were the ones you ran at the track meet, these days it seems like you can’t breathe or blink without being considered a racist bigoted homophobe.
Maybe I shouldn’t speak too soon, the wrongthink overlords in legacy Media will probably soon classify breathing as something for white privileged males. Hold your breath for reparations!
We could be headed there soon, because now the Media is saying that exercise is racist. Yes, exercise.
Time Magazine put out this beauty of a headline last week. “The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise!”. The whole internet laughed at them for this one, and I’m sure 8 time Mr. Olympia winner Ronnie Coleman, a black man, was out there somewhere laughing his glutes off too.
Who knew picking something up and putting it down was so… racist.
Of course the owner of Time Magazine is Marc Benioff, a billionaire tech entrepreneur who also happens to be on the Board of Trustees for the World Economic Forum. These people don’t want you to be healthy, they want you to take the vaccine, eat ze bugs, own nothing and be happy.
Remember, there’s no money in healthy people, there’s only money for Pharma to be made in sick people coming back for more pills, more drugs, and more treatments. A trillion+ dollar per year industry. Marc Benioff’s WEF and Pharma friends have a huge vested interest in keeping us fat, sick, and stupid. Healthy bodies mean healthier minds, and they can’t afford having people gain intelligence and start seeing their agendas in action.
Don’t mind me, just going to super set some racist squats with bigoted deadlifts, and finish off my leg day with homophobic lunges. The endorphins of hate never felt so good.
Now Time Magazine wasn’t the only mainstream propagandist media powerhouse trying to control our minds into believes fitness was ray-ciss, the not-so Scientific American put out a few doozies of clown world nonsense recently, too. Check this tweet out.

What’s odd is that this article that Scientific American tweeted is over two and a half years old, yet for some reason they felt the need to share this to their Twitter account last week.
Ah yes, the racist roots of fighting obesity - we need to be inclusive of adipose tissue, so we need to keep both the white and the brown fat cells in our bodies and it's racist to try to get rid of them!
What kind of shit show is this where trying to get people healthy and help them realize that obesity is not a good thing turned into a racial issue? Sometimes you don’t have words to describe how absolutely absurd these media writers are.
What’s funny is that Scientific American’s parent company Springer Nature is majority owned by a company called Holtzbrinck Publishing Group. Georg von Holtzbrinck is the founder of Holtzbrinck Publishing Group and in 1933 he became member number 2,126,353 of the Nazi Party. Who’s the real racist here?!?!
So Scientific American isn’t even American… nor are they Scientific.
And this recent article from them caps off the B.S.
So we have the un-Scientific American opportunistically using Damar Hamlin’s on field collapse to push a racial agenda about sports. Why are opinion pieces event allowed in Scientific magazines? Shouldn’t their reporting be focused purely on data and scientific method? Not when you’re the ScIeNtIfC AmErIcAn!
”Highlights the violence black men experience in football” - do they not realize that white men play football, too? And Native Americans. And Samoans. And Mexicans. And… well, all races play the sport. Not only that, but it’s FOOTBALL. It’s a contact sports with tackles and blocks and 300 pound men trying to hit you at every turn. Also, it’s these athletes choice to play the sport, as well. It’s not like the players are on the field looking for the closest colored person to hit, they’re going after whoever has the pigskin, regardless of color.
Exercising is not racist. Being obese is not healthy. Sports are already inclusive and aren’t a racial issue. The insanity of political media, science media, ALL media is reaching an all time high here in 2023.
The good news is that the more obvious the B.S. becomes from our legacy propagandist media, the more people are going to wake up to the fact that these publications are nothing more than brainwashing institutions pushing agendas dreamt up by our Globalist overlords.
And I love to see the Great Awakening in action! Don’t you?
Here’s to 2023 where everything is racist, nothing is sacred, and more people are going to get red-pilled to this nonsense than ever. Rejoice!
Just don’t be too happy, being happy might soon be racist, too.
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I was looking at my Gmail inbox when I came across the subject line of this post.
I knew I had to open the email, and boy, what a read!
Currently, I haven't read any of the articles you allude to, but geez...even if the origins of exercise involved some people who were racist, so what?
How would that take away from anatomy and the forces of physics and gravity?
But I can go even further back in time: people have been exercising since the times of the first humans, when we had to run away from predators. I don't think race played a role there.
(Yes, people may have run away from others who were different, but I don't think that was due to race (if race was even a factor), but probably more a matter of scarcity and resources.)
But yeah...I think that, generally, we'll see things get more and more bizarre, and increasingly painful for those who choose to stay asleep.
I can't believe you said pigskin. What R U? Racist against cops?