My Dad worked for NASA back in the 60s and had a pretty good security clearance. He would not discuss a lot of stuff he knew about but one day he came home upset and mentioned that he had been following research on ring lasers as a propulsion system to supersede the Saturn rockets but the research was suddenly deemed ultra-top-secret and he had to purge everything on it from their system. He would not divulge anything more and never talked about it again.

So, yeah, they've got other propulsion systems.

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You Go Jordan ! You are an impressive young man. Lead Sir

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This info will all be interesting. I will be watching and reading. I see Clif High is circling back to space aliens again. It would be nice to know what's real one day.

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The MSM is rolling out the red carpet for Elizondo. Why? It's not controversial at all- it's completely controlled, allowed, and encouraged. Every tenth word out of Lou's mouth is "threat". Did he ever say we are the ones shooting at the UFOs? The ETs never shot at us. But there are warnings that they will change their mind, or make a show of force if we keep acting like idiots, and we're not slowing down. What does Lou's new book bring? Nothing! 95% of the people sharing UFO stuff are getting on their knees for Lou. Why? They have zero discernment or healthy skepticism. Just like they got duped by the Tom Delonge psy op. What's the new buzzword to shift the narrative after they changed UFO to UAP? NHI. They next psy op is calling ETs non human, even though they are human, in most cases. non human intelligence should be called non terrestrial intelligence. That's the misdirection. That they are monsters like in the movies. Another new lie they are trying to push is that 'UFOs "just" started showing up in the cold war.' That's the biggest lie ever. They've been coming here for MILLIONS of years. Lie 2: 'No country has this tech.' Bullshit! We've had secret craft for 50+ years! All major countries probably have some secret craft. And some aerospace companies too, probably. Steven Greer did a really good interview on The Resilient Show about a week ago, and Greer has beef with Elizondo. I don't agree with all of what Greer does, but he basically called Lou a psy op. Greer has been pushing for disclosure since the 1990s! What was Lou doing? Running psy ops.

Lie #3: ATTIP is the first program to study Ufos. Ha! We've been studying them for over 100 years! If anyone who thinks Elizondo is the cutting edge disclosure advocate, they are fully brainwashed sheeple. Shame on those twitter losers putting Elizondo on a pedastal as if he is the disclosure guy. 4. The UFO sheeple cheer the congress people with zero clue of what is going on and what the partisan politicans are doing. As far as Clif H, he is just way off base when it comes to ETs. Too woo for me.

What is true: the American military can't tell if a UFO is ours, from a foreign country, or from a foreign solar system or foreign universe. That is why they are scared. What is true: Tom Delonges first book (a fictional story) (written by another guy who is a real author, Peter Lavenda, not Tom) Sekret Machines, is based on reality! I would like to read books 2 and 3. But I still don't think you have found the real story, Jordan. The big story. The one quietly going on in the background all this time. And these human aliens, this group, knows ALL of our dirty secrets. And our gov knows about this. Which is why you've never heard of the most important thing/person/case, by far, going on all this time, in the background. More important than all the other bullshit combined.

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You are making Much Sense, in my opinion.

I'm thinking about WEAPONRY, too. I'm thinking about these "attacks" and "accidents" as TESTS, as in 9/11, "forest fires," earthquakes, and surely a whole slew of other "natural disasters" that we haven't quite pegged for what they actually ARE...

Keep ON IT, I'm with you, and I'm sure others are, too.

(Aliens, my furry bootox-- woof! If there actually ARE other life forms "out there," then they're probably pretty COOL, and that's why they haven't simply enslaved us all before now! lol)

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The military has this technology. I've seen a black triangle myself outside a military base. Sadly I would have risked being arrested or maybe certain death to take photos, as it's unwise to take photos outside a military gate...and the only other option was to pull over under the thing. It made no noise as it hovered and had 3 light beams. Unless it really wasn't there...... it was a very foggy early morning (maybe 5 or 6am). But I digress, they've been making black triangles like the SR71 for awhile now, and people failed to notice they were. Black. Triangles. Wars enable technology firms to stay in business (note Intel didn't figure this out), and they allow for control of the population. They've given us no reason not to believe this is what they want. Occam's razer...those have always been human military tech, or maybe there was some back engineering. The more elaborate explanations tend to be absurd.

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Good stuff.

DJT last week on Gutfield got asked about aliens in Area 51 and quoted F14 pilots as credibly saying they saw objects accelerate 4X what their aircraft could do.

Like you I believe in suppressed technology and I suspect when DJT says we have so much "liquid gold" under our feet that he means much more than oil reserves.

Alien "encounters" produce real experiences, but is there demonic deception also involved? God inhabits our praises so perhaps the enemies of mankind inhabits our fears with our permission. What used to be fairies in the forest or little green men progressed through the years to the grays with big eyes, but according to the research of Gary Bates at Creation Ministries International, very many of these so called aliens are known to rapidly flee at the name of Jesus Christ!

Many have entertained angels unaware, so perhaps some likewise encounter demons.

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Great article Jordan dawg.

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This the tip of the Berg-check the release of patents- then look into a company called-STAVATTI- connect the dots-both sides have reversed engineered non earth tech- like the TR3B(flying anti grave triangle with cloaking) The SSP- the general public doesn’t realize we actually behind 300yrs. On another note- since our community knows that THEY have to tell us what they are doing in order for Lucifer to give them what want. If they disclose it- then those on our side can say-yep that’s true met your next door neighbor -Greg’s take is spot on.

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