I was told years ago, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. But, you can salt their oats!”

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how rude. ;)

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Why is it that we feel impelled to red pill, and enlighten? No matter how unsuccessful and rejected we are in the attempt? Something interesting drives that compulsion. The milk of human kindness to those with acid in their veins? The light of truth that demands to be shared? I dunno. Whatever it is sure is indomitable. Four years and still at it! Always good to find another in the same boat.

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Okay, yeah, sure, brilliant, enjoyable, right on... Good post! ^_^

EXCEPT: Horses know when they're thirsty, and they prefer whiskey... AND

Psychopathic Elite-ISTS, not Elite. They have irrusions of Glandeur.


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Good Advice Jordan. Well balanced. Thank you.

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Jordan, it's pretty true that waking someone up is a personal choice.

We can positively influence by sowing seeds of reflection and knowledge.

What strategies do you think are most effective in cultivating that awakening in others and generating a significant impact in their lives?

Thank you for being a beacon of inspiration and kindness.

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Yes Jordan dawg! I have horrible approach mostly because of my own mental state works against me.

But since the beginning of my awakening and to now 🤔 I have improved 100 fold. But it’s not been easy and I still have a ways to go.

Couldn’t have done it without you brother! And continue to appreciate you helping me in this journey. 🙏🏻🙌🏻🇺🇸👊🏻

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I like to think of living a peaceful existence on an island(a lush beautiful island with bright beautiful people and life and things), and the rest of creation is floating around with their subsistence but also the dangers of constantly drifting too far out or being pulled under by countless unseen people, forces, and uncontrollable circumstance. I can wave and/or throw preservers and yell encouragement, but I won’t waste too much personal time and emotion because I’ve got plenty to do to help make the island the peaceful existence it needs to be. Hopefully the floaters can see that, and they’re not too busy thrashing in a survival game of their own making. God Bless!!!

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Ask the right questions. This is an excellent example. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2pYbiiFXK4

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Or as Dorothy Parker is alleged to have said. She coined ‘lead a horticulture…’ after challenged by the American columnist and wit Franklin P Adams to use the word ‘horticulture’ in a sentence. Obviously it’s a play on words on the familiar you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink and is spoken as you can lead a whore to culture, but you can’t make her think.

I have used this phrase (Dorothy Parker’s) when I was working to lament that even with all the evidence out there in front of them, they still do not get it and maybe never will

So I am not entirely convinced that the remaining normies will ever get it but as my Dad used to say: “All a steer can do is try.” to keep this convo in the barnyard.

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