Jordan you should sue them for defamation. I'm so sick of these commies using the fake media to gaslight people.

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Commies, transhumanists and nihilists.

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So sorry Jordan, but as you said, you are “over the mark”!

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Shocking outcome. This sh!t needs to stop right now. These hideous creeps will have a special place in hell in time. They can’t stand “winners” 🙏🏻

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I stopped using PayPal about ten years ago and only recently used buy me a coffee.

Is there an organization out there that can be used to send some bucks?

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That’s very unfortunate because unless you plan on spending a great deal of money to fight that you can’t do anything about it except use other means and methods. It’s Very expected. Sadly this is what happens in a Marxist society. It will get worse before it gets better. The closer we get to destroying their agenda legally in our community’s the harder they push back and cancel culture is their biggest weapon. Because FORTUNATELY we have the constitution and law on our side. I know this will only further your resolve! I sense someone is going to put together a platform as an alternative to that one.

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Complainers of anti-Semitism with nary a drop of Semitic blood coursing through their veins. You should listen to them talking about the goyim's only reason for existence is to serve them. Is it hate speech when it comes straight from their own mouth? https://video.wixstatic.com/video/064299_df7b5c7a84304bb7839e0b2927a2f23c/720p/mp4/file.mp4

Like I said before, Jordan, those accusing you of peddling "bleach" haven't had a lesson in basic chemistry.

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Keep up the good work man, thanks for all you expose. We keep fighting them back!

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Well the war is not over...but congrats you must be really close to the truth so it scares them as much! And I guess we are getting close to another big reset whatever shitty op because looks like they've started to chase truthers more again recently. I look forward to real free speech platforms. What about truth social is it making progress and no paying system there? It still does not accept new pple does it

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Jordan, maybe DAVID HOROWITZ FREEDOM CENTER would be interested in adding you to his information site, https://www.discoverthenetworks.org/organizations/media-matters-for-america-mmfa/

I wish I could help you financially but my circumstances don't allow it ,ie., I am a pensioner in South Africa

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