Sep 7Liked by Jordan Sather

This is absolutely terrific. I had to dry my eyes from laughing so hard. I look forward to another journal entry and commentary. Damn those Russians are busy!

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Yeah, and the talk radio says Putin is evil! Rusha Rusha Rusha...

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haha you would make a great Sci-Fi writer! That was a fun read. Not sure if you believe in Biblical Prophecy Jordan, but as a believer, I don't think the future will be how you've painted it. I think we're in Biblical End Times so I'll watch out for those end-time prophecies to be rolling out...about now.

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Funny not funny! Yikes and DEAR GOD NOOOOOOO!!!!!! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

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15 second elections almost make the brain chip worth it.

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The American Psychological Association tends to rewrite their bible of all diseases and no cures every few years...apparently they need badly to prove their career isn't an infant science that is often used to abuse people. Nor are they quacks, despite the fact that if your heart surgeon kept creating more and more heart diseases, but no cures, you might call them a quack. Especially if the only treatment was a lifetime supply of a medicine that causes suicides.

Look at how willing the APA is to cooperate with malignant political operatives in our government. The baby boomers were taught to fear Russia. They were told to hide under their desks at school. They were told they would all have to learn to speak Russian if Russia so much as landed on the moon before the U.S. Of course, anyone who actually believed they were being followed by Russians were diagnosed by American psychologists as having paranoid schizophrenia.

And during the plandemic.....the APA once again sat by and endorsed government enforced paranoia. They were silent about the form of child abuse that happens when children are forced to believe in irrational fears or what happens when children are denied an education. Look up "Feral Children," to see what happens when children are not taught language or socialized in time.

The APA also didn't talk about things like agoraphobia, and social anxiety, or OCD....even as non-elected people who weren't even doctors told us the best way to survive a non-deadly disease was to practice not one, but several maladaptive strategies for coping that would in fact be considered by the APA to include not one, but several mental illnesses. All for which the APA is happy to give you their bottle of suicide pills - if washing your hands doesn't make you feel better about not getting a mostly non-deadly disease

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Of course the view the APA is endorsing these days is that if you feel suicidal, you don't have a mental illness and don't need medicine. You don't even need a therapist. You merely need to cut off your genitals and pretend to to be the wrong gender. Then you should be fine.

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Or the State would be happy to assist with your suicide...

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Brilliant writing Jordan! You somehow captured the mind and thinking of a typical β€œgood citizen.”

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Hell to the nah. To the nah nah nah

Hell to the NAH!

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I'm so glad sarcasm hasn't been outlawed yet...

Thanks for the laffs! ^_^

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That was awesome! Loved it. It was good to laugh with all the evil around us! Thank you.

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Brilliant and hilarious. My fave: "Donald, that evil Cheetoh". LOL!!!

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Not close to funny, pathetic really

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